The device performance is specified as follows:



Optical design

UV/VIS/NIR photometer (tunable Czerny-Turner monochromator) with additional internal reference beam

Light source

  • Deuterium lamp for UV and VIS

  • Tungsten lamp for VIS and NIR (optional for VC-D40)

  • Lamp house temperature control for stable operation

Wavelength range

VC-D40: 190 to 750 nm

VF-D40: 190 to 900 nm

The tungsten lamp is recommended for wavelengths > 345 nm.

Spectral bandwidth

typ. 6 nm at 254 nm

Wavelength Accuracy

± 1 nm

Wavelength Repeatability

± 0.1 nm

Wavelength Calibration

Internal calibration with zero order of monochromator spectrum

Wavelength Validation

Internal validation with holmium-oxide filter

Signal channels

VC-D40: Up to 2 signal channels

VF-D40: Up to 4 signal channels

Reference channel

Reference beam with same wavelength as measurement beam

Data collection rates


Data collection rates under Chromeleon 7 data system. Other maximum data rates may be applicable under different data systems.


VC-D40: Adjustable, 0.2 Hz– 125 Hz

VF-D40: Adjustable, 0.2 Hz– 250 Hz

Adjustable, up to 5 Hz, depending on the number of wavelengths and the distance between the wavelengths (in nm)

Filter response times (in seconds)

0s (no filter) to 20s

Spectra scans

5 scan speeds up to max. 100 nm/s

Noise (Single-channel mode)

< ± 2.5 µAU, wavelength 254 nm, only deuterium lamp on

< ± 5.0 µAU, wavelength 520 nm, only tungsten lamp turned on

Standard flow cell with 1 mL/min HPLC-grade water, degassed, column in flow path, time constant: 2 seconds, data collection rate: 1 Hz

All values reached within 60 minutes of warm-up (typical).

Noise (Multi-channel mode)

<± 10.0 µAU (typical: <± 7.0 µAU), wavelengths: 254 nm and 280 nm, only deuterium lamp turned on

<± 10.0 µAU (typical: <± 7.0 µAU), wavelengths: 450 nm and 520 nm, only tungsten lamp turned on

Standard flow cell with 1 mL/min HPLC-grade water, degassed, column in flow path, time constant: 2 seconds, data collection rate: 1 Hz

All values reached within 60 minutes of warm-up (typical).


< 0.1 mAU/hour, wavelength: 254 nm, only deuterium lamp turned on

< 0.1 mAU/hour, wavelength: 520 nm, only tungsten lamp turned on

Standard flow cell with 1 mL/min HPLC-grade water, degassed, column in flow path, time constant: 2 seconds

All values reached within 60 minutes of warm-up (typical).


< 5% at 2.5 AU (ASTM), wavelength: 272 nm, component: caffeine, only deuterium lamp turned on

Standard flow cell

USB communication

1 USB port (USB 2.0, "B" type connector)

1 USB hub with 3 ports (USB 2.0, "A" type connectors)

I/O Interface

2 digital I/O ports

System Interlink

2 System Interlink ports (RJ45-8 connectors)

Analog output

2 analog outputs via optional plug-in expansion board to output absorption channels

Resolution: 20 bit
Maximum data rate: 50 Hz
Outputs can be configured via software (output voltage range 0 to 1 V or 0 to 10 V, sensitivity and offset)


Chromeleon 7

The device can be operated also with other data systems. For details, contact the Thermo Fisher Scientific sales organization.

Keypad with 3 buttons for performing certain functions directly from the device

Materials in the flow path

See the Specifications for the flow cells.

NOTICE For information about the chemical resistance of materials refer to the technical literature.

Safety features

Power-up check of optics, cooling fans, motors and electronics

Leak detection and safe leak handling

Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) features

Predictive Performance functions for scheduling maintenance procedures based on the actual operating and usage conditions of the device. This includes monitoring of lamp age, and lamp ignitions for UV and VIS lamp.

All system parameters are logged in the Chromeleon Audit Trail.

Temperature reference conditions for noise, drift and linearity specifications

For drift tests, ASTM requires that temperature changes stay below 2 °C/hour over a period of one hour. The drift specification above is based on these conditions. Larger changes in the ambient temperature will result in a larger drift.

For best performance, minimize the frequency and the amplitude of changes in the ambient temperature to 1 °C/hour.

Time constant and response time

According to ASTM E1657-98, the time constant is converted to the response time by multiplying by the factor 2.2 (i.e., response time = 2.2 x time constant).