Blockage or leakage of one or more waste line components
Parts required
Detector waste line
For instructions on connecting the waste line, follow the steps in this section.
The waste line is routed through the system base and connected to the waste. For instructions, refer to the Vanquish System Operating Manual.
Tools required
Tubing cutter (optional)
Close the shutter in the light path of the flow cell.
Stop the pump flow to the flow cell.
Follow these steps
When removing the waste line from the tubing guides, be careful not to pull on other tubing in the guides.
Disconnect the waste line from the flow cell outlet or the outlet (OUT) of the flow cell connection unit.
Remove the waste line from the capillary guide of the partition panel. Turn the plug in the top capillary guide to the front and remove the waste line from it.
Remove the waste line from the detector waste port in the system base and from waste.
Unpack the replacement waste line.
Connect the waste line. Follow the instructions for connecting the waste line in Connecting the Detector Waste Line.