If a parameter listed below is not available in the Chromeleon software, consider updating the firmware and Chromeleon version.
The Instrument Method Wizard provides different parameter view modes. Depending on the parameters to be set, you can select the desired view mode (for example, Easy or Advanced).
For more information, refer to Chromeleon Help and documents.
Parameters | Description |
Data collection rate | Sets the number of data points per second (Hz) that the Chromeleon software collects from the detector and stores as raw data. The maximum data collection rate depends on the detector type and the software version. For more information on how to set the data collection rate, see Data Collection Rate. |
Lamphouse temperature | The temperature signal channel (Lamphouse Temperature) that is available in the Properties dialog box of the detector, can be used for troubleshooting purposes. The lamps of the detector are very sensitive to changes in temperature. In case of baseline drift problems, the lamp-house temperature signal can help to find the reason for the problem. Select the signal channel to record the temperature. Chromeleon generates the appropriate channel for recording the temperature of the detector lamp house. |
Leak detection | Leak detection is enabled as a standard when the detector is shipped (Leak Sensor Mode = Enabled). This is the preferred setting. |
Peak width | The peak width is a supporting parameter for the data collection rate setting and the response time. For details on the peak width and selecting it individually, see Response Time and Peak Width. |
Response time | The response time determines how quickly the detector responds to a change in signal. For details on the response time and selecting it individually, see Response Time and Peak Width. |
Spectra scanning | To record the absorbance spectra of substances that are used in an analysis, for example, to detect peak impurities, or to identify optimum wavelengths for method development, perform spectra scanning: ScanStartWavelength sets the wavelength at which the scan should start. ScanEndWavelength sets the wavelength at which the scan should end. ScanSpeed sets the speed at which the wavelength range is scanned. ScanBaseline saves a baseline scan based on the current settings. Scan saves an absorbance spectrum based on the current settings. Note: Before you can record an absorbance spectrum, perform a ScanBasline with the same wavelength settings that you want to use for recording the absorbance spectrum. For further information about the parameters and commands, refer to the Chromeleon Help. |
UV lamp VIS lamp | Turn on the UV and/or VIS lamp before starting an analysis (UV_Lamp = On, Visible_Lamp =On). This setting allows turning on and off the UV and VIS lamp of the detector. To turn the UV lamp on automatically after power on, set AutoactivateUV_Lamp to On. To turn the VIS lamp on automatically after power on, set AutoactivateVisible_Lamp to On. |
UV_VIS | The UV_VIS signal channels (UV_VIS_x) that are available for data acquisition are listed in the dialog box for the detector in the Instrument Configuration Manager. Select the required signal channels. |
Wavelength | Sets the wavelength in nm. Select the wavelength at the absorption maximum of the sample component to be analyzed. |
Wavelength calibration | If the wavelength validation failed, perform a calibration of wavelengths. The 0-order radiation, which corresponds to 000 nm of the wavelength scale, is used to calibrate the wavelength. For further information, see Performing a Wavelength Validation and Calibration. |
Wavelength validation | Perform the wavelength validation as required. A holmium-oxide glass filter is moved into the light path of the lamp and is used to validate the wavelength accuracy. For further information, see Performing a Wavelength Validation and Calibration. |