Perform the maintenance procedures in the table on a regular basis. The frequency given in the table is a suggestion. The optimum frequency for maintenance depends on several factors, such as the types and amounts of samples and solvents used with the device.


What you should do...


  • Inspect the flow connections for signs of leakage or blockage.

  • When you use buffers or salt solutions, flush the device thoroughly after use with an appropriate solvent that does not contain buffers or salts. Monitor the backpressure that the flow cell is exposed to.


  • Inspect the flow connections for damage, such as cracks, nicks, cuts, or blockage.

  • Check that all warning labels are still present on the device and clearly legible. If they are not, contact Thermo Fisher Scientific for replacement.


Have Thermo Fisher Scientific service personnel perform preventive maintenance once a year.


The Chromeleon software supports functions for estimating the lifetime of consumables (see Predictive Performance).