Shutting Down the Device

To interrupt operation for a longer period, follow the instructions below.


Shutting down the device affects the operation of the system. When shutting down the device, also observe the shutting down instructions for the other Vanquish system modules and take appropriate action (refer to the Operating Manuals for the modules).

  1. Turn off both lamps.

  1. Stop the pump flow.

  2. Remove the column from the flow path and replace it by a union connector (for example, the Viper union from the system ship kit)

  3. Restart the pump flow.

  4. Flush the flow cell with an appropriate solvent (minimum HPLC-grade). Observe the following:


With a Vanquish Core system that has been modified for using normal-phase compatible solvents and additives, refer to the information about the flushing liquid in the Considerations with Normal-Phase Compatible Solvents and Additives section in the Vanquish System Operating Manual.

Situation after Shutdown

If no additive is used

If an additive is used

Device and flow cell remain in the laboratory after shutdown

Flush the system, for example with methanol. 100% acetonitrile should not be used.

Flush the system with several volumes of methanol and water (50:50) (for example, 1.0 mL/min for 10 minutes with the standard system) to prevent salt buildup in the fluidics. If the solvents in the flow cell are not miscible with water, use an appropriate intermediate solvent.

Device and flow cell shall be transported or shipped after shutdown

Flush the system with isopropanol.

Flush the system first with several volumes of methanol and water (50:50) (for example, 1.0 mL/min for 10 minutes with the standard system) to prevent salt buildup in the fluidics. If the solvents in the flow cell are not miscible with water, use an appropriate intermediate solvent. Afterward, flush the system with isopropanol.


Residual samples, impurities from the column or buffers with high salt concentrations can deposit in the flow cell. This can lead to damage of the flow cell. In addition, solvents containing acid can damage the flow cell.

  • Always flush the flow cell with an appropriate solvent before interrupting operation.
  • Fill the flow cell with pure isopropanol using the flushing and injection kit.
  • The flow cell should not be filled with pure water to avoid the growth of algae. If you want to fill the flow cell with water, you need to add 10% HPLC-grade isopropanol.
  1. Turn off the pump flow to the device. Wait until the system pressure is down to zero before you continue the shutdown of the device.

  2. Disconnect the capillaries from the flow cell inlet and outlet.

  3. After removing the flow connections, protect the flow cell inlet and outlet ports with the plugs supplied with the flow cell. Protect the inlet capillaries with caps.

  1. The step depends as follows:



Device and all other system modules remain in the system stack and are to be turned off

Turn off the system with the system power button on the system base.

Device shall be transported or shipped after shutdown

If one of the modules shall be removed from the system stack, turn off all system modules with their main power switch. Pressing the system power button will not be sufficient to turn off the power to the devices completely.

Follow the instructions in Transporting or Shipping the Device.