Follow these steps

Figure: Connecting the inlet capillary from the column compartment (example)
  1. Route the inlet capillary from the column compartment through the guide hole in the device enclosure. Use the guide hole that is next to the column compartment.

  2. TIP

    Always keep the capillary connection between the column compartment and the flow cell as short as possible to minimize peak broadening (i.e. peak broadening effects due to extra dispersion volume).

  3. If the column compartment is located to the right of the detector

    Route the capillary through the bottom recess in the partition panel. Make sure that you use the suitable partition panel plug for the capillary.

  4. TIP

    For capillaries with small outer diameter, the plug with slit secures the capillary properly. For capillaries that do not fit in the plug with slit, such as an insulated inlet capillary, use the rotating plug.

  5. Connect the inlet capillary to the flow cell inlet or to the inlet (IN) on the flow cell connection unit.