
When you suspect that eluent or sample components may have deposited on the flow cell windows.

Parts required

  • Flushing and injection kit for flow cells (optional)

  • HPLC-grade water

  • 0.1 M nitric acid


Health Risk

The handling of solvents can pose health and safety risks.

Wear personal protective equipment as required by the hazard and follow good laboratory practice. Refer to the material handling and safety data sheet provided by the vendor.

Follow these steps

You can perform the following procedure by using the optional flushing and injection kit.

  1. Flush the flow cell with HPLC-grade water.

  2. Fill the flow cell with 0.1 M nitric acid using the optional flushing and injection kit.

  3. Flush the flow cell with HPLC-grade water until the solvent leaving the flow cell is neutral (pH 7).

  1. If cleaning the flow cell does not eliminate the problem, install a new flow cell.