Automatic purging means that the solvent is automatically directed to waste, through the wash port of the Vanquish autosampler, without further user interaction.


Automatic purging is possible only when the pump is fluidically connected to the Vanquish autosampler and when both modules have an appropriate firmware installed.

When these prerequisites are fulfilled, automatic purging runs by default when you press the PURGE button on the keypad.

Dual pump: If the second pump is not connected fluidically to a Vanquish autosampler, purge the pump manually (see Manual Purging).


  • The pump is operated for the first time

    To flush out the isopropanol that is present in some components of the pump when the pump is shipped from the manufacturing site

  • One or more solvent lines have been empty

  • To remove air bubbles that might be trapped in the system (pump head, solvent lines) because air bubbles in the system may lead to the following problems:

    • Pressure pulsation

    • High noise level or pulsation during pump operation

    • Non-reproducible analysis

  • When changing to a different type of solvent, for example, when changing to a different analytical method

Items required

Solvents suitable for purging

To flush out the isopropanol when operating the pump for the first time, use solvents that are miscible with isopropanol. If they are not, use an appropriate intermediate solvent.

Follow these steps

  1. In the Chromeleon software, set the channel that you want to purge to 100%.

  2. Optional: In the Chromeleon software, adapt the settings for the purge flow or purge time if required.

  3. Start the purge cycle. You can start the purge cycle from the Chromeleon software or by pressing the PURGE button on the keypad.

    The purge cycle ends automatically when the specified purge time ends. If you want to stop purging before the purge time ends, turn the purge off from the Chromeleon software or by pressing the PURGE button on the keypad.

  4. Repeat the above steps for all channels, including those that are not used for the application.