
To shut off the solvent flow through the system at the solvent reservoir, for example, to prevent solvent from flowing through the system when you open a flow connection on the low-pressure side

The steps in this section apply only when installing a shut-off valve after initial operation of the pump. To install a shut-off valve during initial setup of the flow connections, follow the steps in Connecting the Solvent Lines.

Parts and additional items required

  • Shut-off valve, kit containing one shut-off valve and fitting connections

  • Tubing cutter

  • Solvent suitable for purging the pump


  1. Turn off the pump flow and wait until the system pressure is down to zero.

  2. Prepare the pump for purging (see Purging the Pump).

Follow these steps

Follow the steps for each solvent line in which you want to install a shut-off valve.

Installing a shut-off valve in the solvent line
Figure: Installing a shut-off valve in the solvent line




Solvent line






Shut-off valve

  1. Unscrew the cap of the solvent reservoir and remove the cap together with the solvent line from the reservoir.

  2. Start a purge cycle as appropriate.

  3. Stop purging as soon as the solvent line is empty.

  1. Retighten the reservoir cap hand-tight. The retaining guide must remain in the hole in the reservoir cap. If it does not, press the retaining guide into the hole so that the tubing is kept in place in the cap.

  1. Cut the solvent line about 10 cm from the reservoir cap with a tubing cutter. Make sure that the cut is at a right angle to the length of the line.

  2. Onto the free end of each solvent line, slide a fitting and a ferrule. Mind the correct orientation of the fitting and ferrule (see picture).

  3. Tighten the solvent lines to the shut-off valve.

  1. Check the solvent lines across the entire flow path. Make sure that the lines are not bent, pinched, or squeezed at any point in the flow path.

  2. To remove any air from the solvent lines, purge the pump using the solvent of your application.

Solvent line with shut-off valve installed
Figure: Solvent line with shut-off valve installed




Shut-off valve


Retaining guide