Parts required

  • Set inline filter, volume: 35 µL, comprising an inline filter (static filter, volume: 10 µL) and a capillary mixer (volume: 25 µL)

  • Capillary to connect the pump to the autosampler

Tools and additional items required

  • Depending on the fitting connection on the capillaries

    • Viper capillary: Viper knurl (usually present on the capillary)

    • Conventional capillary (non-Viper): Open-end wrench, size 1/4"

  • Solvent suitable for purging

  • Screwdriver, Torx T10


  1. If not yet done: Remove the mixing system with which the pump is shipped (see Removing the Mixing System).

  1. The inline filer requires a different mounting bracket. Install the new mounting bracket. The mounting bracket is included in the inline filter ship kit.

Installing the New Mounting Bracket

  1. Unplug the system pressure sensor cable from the P-SYS connector.

  2. Remove the seal wash detector assembly (funnel and detector). Grasp and pull the assembly upward by the funnel. The detector including the tubing and cable can remain connected to the funnel.

Removing the seal wash detector assembly
Figure: Removing the seal wash detector assembly




Funnel, seal wash detector


Seal wash detector


Detector cable


Seal wash line

  1. To attach the new mounting bracket inside the pump (above the purge/sensor unit):

  1. Remove the push rivets that cover the mounting holes while no mounting bracket is installed.
  2. Using the screws shipped with the mounting bracket, attach the new bracket inside the pump.
Installing the mounting bracket
Figure: Installing the mounting bracket




Mounting holes for mounting bracket (covered by push rivets while no mounting bracket is installed in this position)


Mounting bracket


Mounting screws (Torx)

Follow these steps

  1. Connect the capillary mixer on the purge/sensor unit. Mind the direction of flow through the capillary mixer (indicated by the arrow on the mixer).

  2. TIP

    To facilitate installation of the inline filter, loosely tighten the capillary mixer on the purge/sensor unit so that you can easily access the free end of the capillary.

  3. Connect the inline filter to the capillary mixer. Mind the direction of flow through the inline filter (indicated by the arrow on the filter).

  4. Turn and insert the assembly of inline filter and capillary mixer into the mounting bracket.

Inline filter with capillary mixer installed
Figure: Inline filter with capillary mixer installed




Inline filter


Capillary mixer

  1. Tighten the capillary mixer on the purge/sensor unit.

  2. Reinstall the seal wash detector assembly in the pump (see Replacing the Seal Wash Detector).

  3. Reconnect the system pressure sensor cable.

  4. Connect the inline filter outlet to the autosampler injection valve (see Connecting the Pump and Autosampler).

  5. In the Chromeleon software, set the StaticMixer property to the value indicated on the inline filter. If the property is not set to the correct value, the leak tests may not provide reliable results.

  6. With Chromeleon 7.2.8 and later: In the Chromeleon software, set the CapillaryMixer property to the value indicated on the capillary mixer.

  7. Apply the flow rate of your application and have the pump deliver for a short time.

  8. Inspect the flow connections on the mixer for indications of leakage before resuming operation.

  9. In the Chromeleon software, consider updating the Predictive Performance information for the static mixer (MixerChanged command).

When operating the pump, observe the following

  • Operating the pump with the inline filter reduces the gradient delay volume but increases the ripple.

  • The maintenance procedures for the static mixer apply equally to the inline filter (see Mixing System).