For increased flexibility, the pump is shipped with two 3-port solvent selectors. They allow forming binary gradients from three solvents per channel. The solvent to be used for each channel is selected in the user interface.
Follow these steps
In the Instrument Configuration Manager, in the dialog box for the pump, check and the change the following if required:
Number of the solvents to be used with the pump
Standard solvent names
These solvent names appear in the Chromeleon user interface.
In the Chromeleon Client, set the solvent composition. For each of the two channels, select the solvent and set the percentage of solvent that you want to deliver.
Selecting the Solvent
For channel A, set %A_Selector to %A1 or %A2 or %A3.
For channel B, set %B_Selector to %B1 or %B2 or %B3.
Determining the Percentage of Solvent to Deliver
Set the percentage for solvent B (%B). Solvent A automatically delivers the remaining volume.
To deliver 100% of solvent B2:
Set %B_Selector to %B2 and set %B to 100%.
To deliver 100% of solvent A3:
Set %A_Selector to %A3 and set %B to 0%.
To deliver 30% of solvent A1 and 70% of solvent B3:
Set %A_Selector to %A1, set %B_Selector to %B3, and set %B to 70%.