When monitoring the liquid level in the waste container as described in this section, the Chromeleon software calculates the liquid level. To monitor the liquid level in real time, based on real physical measurement, install the Vanquish Solvent Monitor. The solvent monitor is available as an option (see Optional Accessories).
For monitoring the liquid level in the waste container, note the following:
The waste liquids from the two pumps can be guided into the same waste container or into different waste containers.
Depending on the setup, you can monitor the liquid level in the waste container for the dual pump as a whole or separately for each pump.
Monitoring the Liquid Level for the Pump as a Whole
It is possible to share the waste container even if the two pumps are assigned to different instruments.
In the Instrument Configuration Manager, open the dialog box for the dual pump.
On the Bottles tab page, select the Share Waste Bottles check box.
In the Chromeleon user interface, enter the information that is required for monitoring (see Important Operating Parameters). Enter the information for both pumps.
Notice that the monitoring properties show the same values for both pumps, for example, the RemainTime property.
Monitoring the Liquid Level for Each Pump Separately
In the Instrument Configuration Manager, open the dialog box for the dual pump.
On the Bottles tab page, clear the Share Waste Bottles check box.
In the Chromeleon user interface, enter the information that is required for monitoring (see Important Operating Parameters). Enter the information for both pumps.