This section provides information about the messages that may appear in the Instrument Audit Trail during operation of the pump. For easier identification of the source for a problem, note the Device information that may appear in front of the message:

Device Information


[Main Device Name]

With messages relating to the entire pump, for example, to the leak detection, main board or with a communication error

[Pump Device Name]

With messages relating to the entire flow unit, for example, to the system pressure

[Pump Device Name]_

With messages relating to the right pump block or components in the right pump head, for example, the pistons or check valves.

[Pump Device Name]_

With messages relating to the left pump block or components in the left pump head, for example, the pistons or check valves.

The Device Names are specified in the dialog box for the pump in the Instrument Configuration Manager. The default names are:


Device Name

Default Name

Binary pump,
Isocratic pump,
Quaternary pump

[Main Device Name]


[Pump Device Name]


Dual Pump

Main [Device Name]


Left [Pump Device Name]


Right [Pump Device Name]


The table lists the most frequently observed messages for the device and provides troubleshooting assistance.

Each message consists of a code number and a text. The code number is the unique identifier for the problem while the wording may change. Note the following:

  • To facilitate finding a message, the table lists the messages sorted by code.

  • If you cannot find the code you are looking for, check the message text. The two messages "Unexpected module behavior" and "Module malfunction detected" can be assigned to different codes. See the beginning of the table for more information.


If you are unable to resolve the problem following the instructions in this manual, or if you encounter a message not listed in the table, write down the code and wording of the message and contact us. For details, see the Contacting Us section at the beginning of this manual.

Message and Code

Description and Remedial Action

Unexpected module behavior. Code xx

xx = Two-digit to four-digit code number.

When the message appears, write down the message code and turn off the module. Wait for 5 seconds and turn on the module again.

TIP If the message appears with codes 74 or 103, the firmware may be defective or incomplete. Update the firmware, see Updating the Device Firmware. If the message appears again, contact Technical Support.

Module malfunction detected. Code xx

xx = two-digit to four-digit code number

When the message appears, write down the message code. Turn off the module and contact Technical Support.

Code 33 Leak detected – eliminate within approx. 180 seconds.

Find and eliminate the source for the leakage (see Resolving Liquid Leaks). The pump flow stops if leakage is not resolved within 3 minutes.

Code 34 Leak detected.

The pump stopped because of leakage. The message appears because the leakage reported earlier with code 33 was not resolved within 3 minutes. Find and eliminate the source for the leakage (see Resolving Liquid Leaks).

Code 36 Download failed.

The firmware download has not been successful. Repeat the download.

Code 37 Download firmware mismatch.

You tried to download a firmware file that is invalid for the pump. Repeat the download with a firmware file that is valid for the pump.

Code 52 Module software incomplete. Download firmware (again).

The firmware is incomplete, for example, because the communication between the chromatography data system and the module was interrupted during the firmware download. Repeat the download.

Code 89 Liquid leak sensor missing or defective.

Contact Thermo Fisher Scientific Technical Support for assistance. To operate the device nevertheless, you can disable the leak sensor functionality in the chromatography data system by setting Leak Sensor Mode to Disabled.

Code 90 Download firmware mismatch – invalid version.

You tried to download an incompatible firmware with an earlier version number than the firmware that is currently installed in the module. Downgrading the firmware may result in loss of functionality or malfunctioning of the module. If required, repeat the download with a firmware version later than the version currently installed in the module.

Code 91 Data changed during read.

  • This may be a temporary error. Turn off the module. Wait for 5 seconds and turn on the module again.

  • The firmware may be defective. Update the firmware.

Code 92 Data verification failed.

  • This may be a temporary error. Turn off the module. Wait for 5 seconds and turn on the module again.

  • The firmware may be defective. Update the firmware.

Code 118 USB Buffer Overflow.

This is a software problem. The module produces data faster than the computer on which the chromatography data system is running reads the data.

1. In the chromatography data system, disconnect and reconnect the module.

2. If this does not solve the problem, update the firmware or the chromatography data system version.

3. If the problem persists: Also, third-party software on the computer, for example, virus scanners or poor computer performance can cause the problem. Contact the onsite IT department.

Code 120 System interlink request timed out.

Communication with the module failed. The module did not respond in time.

For the module for which the message appears:

1. Turn on the module if it is not yet turned on.

2. Check the system interlink connections to the module. Verify that all system interlink cables are connected at both ends.

3. If the message persists, replace the system interlink cables.

Code 126 Device lost system interlink connection.

A system interlink cable may be disconnected from the module or defective.

  1. Check the system interlink connections to the module. Verify that all system interlink cables are connected at both ends.

  2. If the message persists, replace the system interlink cables.

Code 128 System interlink data errors.

A system interlink cable may be disconnected from the module or defective.

  1. Check the system interlink connections to the module. Verify that all system interlink cables are connected at both ends.

  2. If the message persists, replace the system interlink cables.

Code 129 Device X not found on system interlink.

X = serial number

The module with the given serial number may be disconnected, turned off or a firmware update is running.

  1. Check the system interlink connections to the module.

  2. If the message persists, check the module operational status.

Code 131 System interlink bus not operable.

A system interlink cable may be disconnected from the module or defective.

1. Check the system interlink connections to the module. Verify that all system interlink cables are connected at both ends.

2. If the message persists, replace the system interlink cables.

Code 136 Lock request rejected – already locked by X.

X = lock holder ID, with USB address referring to the chromatography data system or system interlink address referring to the system controller or a module

The module is already locked by another software (system controller or chromatography data system).

Wait until the module is released from the locked state.

Code 137 Lock by X expired.

X = lock holder ID, with USB address referring to the chromatography data system or system interlink address referring to the system controller or a module

Inform Thermo Fisher Scientific about the occurrence. No further action required.

Code 145 Lock holder X lost.

X = lock holder ID, with USB address referring to the chromatography data system or system interlink address referring to the system controller or a module

The lock was released automatically since its holder disappeared from system interlink.

Check the system interlink connections to the module.

Code 152 Assignment or command rejected – device locked.

Module is not ready to accept command or property assignment since locked by another software (system controller or chromatography data system).

Wait until module is released by the current software (system controller or chromatography data system).

Code 4098 Upper pressure limit exceeded

Check the flow path for blockage.

If the flow path is blocked:

  • The column may be contaminated. Rinse or replace the column. If the problem occurs due to column ageing, it may be sufficient to increase the setting for the upper pressure limit.

  • The autosampler may be blocked. Check the autosampler components and eliminate the source for the blockage.

If the flow path is not blocked:

Test the static mixer for permeability (see Testing the Static Mixer for Permeability).

Code 4099 Pressure fallen below lower limit.

Check the following causes:

  • One or more solvent reservoirs are empty. Fill the reservoirs and purge the pump. If you are monitoring the solvent consumption from the Chromeleon software, the message "Code 4158 Out of eluent X" alerts you when a reservoir is empty.

  • Air bubbles may be trapped in the solvent lines. Check the solvent line filters. Purge the pump.

  • Leakage may be present in the system. Resolve the leakage. For the pump, see Resolving Liquid Leaks. For the other system modules, refer to the Operating Manuals for the modules.

  • A check valve may be contaminated or defective. Clean or replace the check valves as appropriate (see Check Valves).

  • With the applied flow, the pump cannot build up enough pressure to reach the lower pressure limit. Adapt the lower pressure limit or increase the flow.

Code 4100 Purge pressure limit exceeded

A pressure of more than 5 MPa built up after a purge cycle has started.

Perform the following sequence of steps:

1. Open the purge valve if it is not yet open.

2. Check the flow path for indications of blockage. See also Code 4098 Upper pressure limit exceeded.

3. Take appropriate remedial action as necessary.

4. Mute the alarm by pressing the MUTE ALARM button on the pump keypad.

5. Start a new purge cycle.

Code 4101 Not ready. Please run self-test.

The pump is not ready because the self-test was not successful. Perform the following sequence of steps:

1. Open the purge valve.

2. Repeat the self-test.

3. Close the purge valve.

Code 4112 Self-test failed because of fluctuating pressure.

Changes in pressure have occurred during the self-test. Perform the following sequence of steps:

1. Open the purge valve.

2. Repeat the self-test.

3. Close the purge valve.

Code 4113 Self-test failed because pressure is out of range.

The pressure has not been down to zero during the self-test. Verify that the pressure sensor cables are properly connected.

1. Open the purge valve.

2. Repeat the self-test.

3. Close the purge valve.

If the message appears again, the system pressure sensor may be defective. Contact Technical Support.

Code 4114 The device is busy. Please retry after 1 minute.

The pump is not ready because, for example, a self-test is running. Retry after 1 minute. If the message appears again, perform the following sequence of steps:

1. Open the purge valve.

2. Repeat the self-test.

3. Close the purge valve.

Code 4115 Working piston pressure zero out of range.

The message may appear for the pressure sensor in a pump head or for the system pressure sensor:

  • If the message appears for only the right pump block or the left pump block, the cable for the pressure sensor in the pump head may not seat properly in the P-WORK connector.

  • If the message appears for both pump blocks at the system time, the cable for the system pressure sensor may not seat properly in the P-SYS connector.

Verify that the pressure sensor cable is properly plugged into the connection port and retry. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.

Code 4116 The pressure signals are not consistent. There may be air in the working cylinder.

The pressure calibration factor for the working piston is out of range. Perform these steps:

1. Verify that the degasser is working.

2. Purge the pump.

Code 4119 Can’t start pump while alarm is on.

An alarm is present, for example, because leakage has been detected. You can restart the pump flow only when the alarm is no longer present. Mute the alarm by pressing the MUTE ALARM button on the pump keypad. Find and eliminate the source for the alarm as suggested for the accompanying message.

Code 4120 The rear seal wash system has run out of wash solution.

This message alerts you only when the drop counter functionality of the seal wash detector is enabled (standard setting).

  • Verify that wash liquid is present in the seal wash reservoir.

  • Inspect the seal wash lines across the entire flow path for indications of blockage or leakage. Verify that all seal wash lines are properly connected and routed. Replace the seal wash lines as necessary (see Replacing the Seal Wash Lines).

  • Inspect the peristaltic tubing for indications of blockage or damage. Replace the tubing as necessary (see Replacing the Seal Wash Lines).

  • Verify that the peristaltic tubing is properly inserted in the seal wash pump and that the lever of the pump is not blocked.

  • Inspect the electrodes of the seal wash detector for contamination or damage. Replace the seal wash detector as necessary (see Replacing the Seal Wash Detector).

  • Make sure that the seal wash liquid is sufficiently conductive (see Choosing the Seal Wash Liquid).

  • Start an additional seal wash cycle from the Chromeleon software. While the wash cycle is running, inspect the pump heads. If droplets leave the pump head at the rear, the seal wash seal is defective. Replace the seal wash seals (see Replacing the Seal Wash Seals).

Code 4121 Piston seal leakage has exceeded the recommended limit.

This message alerts you only when the drop counter functionality of the seal wash detector is enabled (standard setting).

Test the pump for piston seal leakage and take the recommended action (see Testing the Piston Seals for Leakage).

Code 4122 The rear seal leak sensor detects drops constantly.

This message alerts you only when the drop counter functionality of the seal wash detector is enabled (standard setting).

Inspect the electrodes of the seal wash detector for contamination or damage. Replace the seal wash detector as necessary (see Replacing the Seal Wash Detector).

The message appears also when the percentage of water in the seal wash liquid is too high. Observe the information about the composition of the seal wash liquid in Choosing the Seal Wash Liquid.

Code 4125 Degasser malfunction

The vacuum level monitoring function detected insufficient degasser vacuum.

Turn the pump off and on again. In the chromatography data system, check the degasser vacuum. After about 1 minute, the setting should change from NotOk to Ok. If the degasser vacuum is still insufficient, the degasser may be leaky. Locate the DegasserPressure property in the Command window, write down the pressure reading, which can provide helpful information to identify the source for the problem, and contact Technical Support.

Code 4127 The pump drive is still in undock position. Please execute a dock command.

The message alerts you during pump maintenance:

This message alerts you during pump maintenance (for example, when replacing the piston seals or pistons) when you try to start the pump while the pistons are not yet in the correct position for normal operation. To return the pistons into the correct position, perform the following sequence of steps:

1. Open the purge valve.

2. Dock the pistons.

3. Close the purge valve.

The message alerts you during internal pump maintenance:

If the message appears during the internal maintenance procedure, perform an additional purge cycle.

Code 4130 Pressure buildup during maintenance operation.

A pressure of more than 0.5 MPa built up during piston maintenance or piston seal maintenance. To reduce the pressure, perform the following sequence of steps:

1. Open the purge valve.

2. Dock or undock the pistons, depending on when the message appeared.

3. Close the purge valve.

If the message appears during the internal maintenance procedure, perform an additional purge cycle.

Code 4148 Can’t perform this command while the flow is on.

You tried to run a self-test while the flow rate was not yet down to zero. Turn off the flow and repeat the command.

Code 4152 Pressure sensor malfunction. Check the cable connection and retry.

Verify that the cable for the pressure sensor is properly plugged into the connection port and retry. If the message appears again, follow these steps:

1. Open the purge valve.

2. Perform a self-test.

3. Close the purge valve.

4. Restart the flow.

5. If this message appears again or if another message relating to the pressure or a pressure sensor appears, contact Technical Support.

Code 4156 Compression limit reached.

The compression value was 100% during the last stroke. If the compression value is lower than 100% for several strokes afterward, the message "Compression back to normal" (code 4157) appears. If this message does not appear, inspect the flow connections for indications of air bubbles. Purge the pump if necessary.

If the message "Compression limit reached" persists, see Checking the Compression Values.

Code 4158 Out of eluent X

This message alerts you only if you are monitoring the solvent consumption from the Chromeleon software. The message indicates for which solvent the reservoir is empty.

Code 4159 The waste bottle is full.

This message alerts you only if you are monitoring the liquid level in the waste container. Empty the waste container when needed.

Code 4161 Pressure recalibration deviates by xx bar.

The pump pressure was not down to zero during the self-test. Verify that the pressure sensor cable is properly connected to the P-SYS connector. Wait until the pressure is down and repeat the test.

To speed up the pressure drop, open the purge valve and then, start the self-test.

Code 4176 The pump pressure exceeded the absolute limit. Check pressure sensor cables for proper connection and flow path for clogging. Then, perform a self-test.

Follow these steps:

1. Verify that the pressure sensor cables are properly connected. Reconnect the cables if necessary.

2. Check the flow path for clogging and remedy the situation if necessary.

3. Perform a self-test.

If the self-test is not successful, contact Technical Support.

Code 4234 The flow was stopped due to a request from another module.

The pump flow was stopped because of a problem with another module. Check the messages from other modules.

Code 4237 Out of solvent.

The solvent reservoir is empty.

Refill the solvent reservoir and purge the pump.

Code 4238 Mainboard initialization failed.

Main board initialization has not been successful.

1. This may be a temporary error. Turn off the module. Wait for 5 seconds and turn on the module again.

2. If the message appears again, update the firmware.

3. If the message persists, the main board may be defective. Contact Technical Support.

Code 4239 Could not build up enough pressure.

  • Air bubbles may be trapped in the system. Purge the pump.

  • Leakage may be present. As leakage usually occurs at a connection, visually inspect all components and connections in the flow path. For tests that can help you to identify the source for the leakage, see Testing the Pump for Leakage.

Code 4240 Column temperature is too high.

The procedure that you want to perform will stop the pump flow. This may damage the column if the column temperature is too high. Reduce the column oven temperature. Repeat the procedure.

Code 4241 An autosampler is required.

To perform the procedure, an autosampler is required that is unambiguously defined.

In the Chromeleon software, select the correct configuration for your system and connect all devices.

Code 4242 The autosampler is offline.

The autosampler is not accessible via a System Interlink connection.

Check that the autosampler is properly connected via System Interlink and that the autosampler is powered on.

Code 4243 Unsupported autosampler.

The autosampler in the system configuration does not support this procedure.

Code 4244 The column compartment is offline.

The column compartment in the system configuration is not accessible via the System Interlink connection.

Check that the column compartment is properly connected via System Interlink and that the column compartment is powered on.