
  • Damage of solvent line filter

  • Impaired permeability of filter frit

Parts and additional items required

Solvent line filter
Figure: Solvent line filter




Solvent line filter, filter holder bottom part


Filter frit


Solvent line filter, filter holder top part

  • As applicable:

    • Filter holder

    • Filter frit

  • Solvent suitable for purging


  1. Turn off the pump flow and wait until the system pressure is down to zero.

Follow these steps

  1. Unscrew the cap of the solvent reservoir and remove the cap together with the solvent line from the reservoir.

  2. Remove the filter holder from the solvent line.

  3. As applicable: Open the filter holder and remove the filter frit.

  1. Assemble the solvent line filter, wearing appropriate clean gloves:

  1. Place the frit in a level position in the filter holder (bottom part).
  2. Screw the filter top to the filter bottom.
  1. Slide the filter holder onto the solvent line.

  1. Retighten the reservoir cap hand-tight. The retaining guide must remain in the hole in the reservoir cap. If it does not, press the retaining guide into the hole so that the tubing is kept in place in the cap.

  1. To remove any air from the solvent lines, purge the pump using the solvent of your application.