Damage to the seal wash seal, leaky seal
Whenever you removed the pump head
Once a year
Parts required
Seal wash seals
Tools and additional items required
Syringe filled with isopropanol
Seal-handling tool
No. | Description |
1 | Seal removal pin |
2 | Seal insertion pin |
Remove the pump head (see Replacing the Pump Head).
Remove the pistons (see Replacing the Pistons).
Follow these steps
Remove the seal wash plate from the pump head if applicable.
No. | Description |
1 | Pump head |
2 | Seal wash plate, channel side |
3 | Seal wash seals |
4 | Pistons |
Remove the seal wash seal.
On the seal wash plate (channel side), set the insertion pin of the seal-handling tool at a slight angle to the seal. Push the seal out of the plate and remove the tool.
Slide the new seal onto the insertion pin of the seal-handling tool.
To facilitate seal installation, inject a few drops of isopropanol into the seal cavities on the seal wash plate (no-channel side).
On the seal wash plate (no-channel side), set the insertion pin of the seal-handling tool at a 90° angle to the plate and push the insertion pin vertically into the plate as far as it goes in.
Remove the tool from the seal wash plate. The seal remains in the plate.
No. | Description |
1 | Seal wash plate (no-channel side) |
2 | Seal wash seals |
Place the seal wash plate onto the pump head, with the seals facing the pump head.
Install the pistons. Follow the related steps in Replacing the Pistons.
Install the pump head. See Installing the Pump Head.
Inspect all flow connections on the pump head for indications of leakage. Tighten leaky connections when the system pressure is down to zero.
Test the seal wash system and pump for leakage (see Testing the Seal Wash System for Leakage and Testing the Pump for Leakage (General Test)).
If you also replaced the piston seals, proceed with the specific steps further down.
Specific Steps After Piston Seal Replacement
If you replaced the piston seals together with the seal wash seals, proceed with these steps:
Observe the recommendations for new piston seals (see Recommendations for New Piston Seals).
In the Chromeleon software, consider updating the Predictive Performance information for the piston seals.
Recommended: From the Chromeleon software, perform performance qualification for the pump:
Run the pump-specific Performance Qualification tests (PQ tests) (= Flow Precision Test and Gradient Accuracy Test). For details, refer to the Operational and Performance Qualifications manual.
When the tests are completed, execute the QualificationDone command.