The parameters described in this section should be considered for routine operation of the device. You can usually access these parameters from the Chromeleon user interface.

If a parameter listed below is not available in the Chromeleon software, consider updating the firmware and Chromeleon version.

For more information, refer to Chromeleon Help and documents.

Flow Parameters




The allowed flow range is indicated in the dialog box for the pump in the Instrument Configuration Manager. You can change the upper and lower limit for the flow rate within the allowed range.

Flow ramps

Set the flow acceleration and flow deceleration.

Recommendation: Set the parameters to a value between 1/3 and factor 3 of the (column) flow rate.

Flow acceleration

The flow acceleration (Maximum Flow Ramp Up) determines how fast the pump starts delivering with the selected flow rate. If the value is too low, it will take correspondingly long for the pump to build up the necessary pressure and start delivering the required flow. If the value is too high, this may impair the column lifetime.

Flow deceleration

The flow deceleration (Maximum Flow Ramp Down) determines how fast the pump reduces the flow. If the value is too low, it will take correspondingly long for the pump to reduce the flow and thus the pressure. If the value is too high, this may impair the column lifetime.

Pressure Parameters



Pressure limits

The allowed pressure range is indicated in the dialog box for the pump in the Instrument Configuration Manager. You can adapt the upper and lower pressure limits within the allowed range.

  • The lower pressure limit helps to prevent the pump (and column) from running dry. A typical setting is 1 MPa.

  • The upper pressure limit helps to protect the column from too high pressure. The column and the application determine the appropriate setting.

When the pump pressure is outside the specified limits, the Chromeleon software stops the pump flow and aborts a running Queue.

Pump pressure

In the dialog box for the pump in the Instrument Configuration Manager, the Pump_Pressure check box is selected as a standard when the pump is set up in the Chromeleon software. The Chromeleon software uses this setting to generate the channel for recording the pump pressure (which corresponds to the column pressure). With the dual pump, the check boxes are labeled PumpLeft_Pressure for the left pump and PumpRight_Pressure for the right pump.

Always record the pump pressure. If a problem occurs, the information from the pump pressure channel can provide helpful information to identify and eliminate the source for the problem.

Solvent and Waste Liquid Parameters



Solvent composition

In the dialog box for the pump in the Instrument Configuration Manager, set the number of the solvents to be used with the pump. You can change the standard solvent names as required. The solvent names appear in the Chromeleon user interface.

In the Chromeleon Client, set the solvent composition. For more information, see the related section in Pump-Specific Information.

Solvent consumption

You can monitor the liquid level in the solvent reservoir (solvent consumption) when you have entered the required information for the related solvent. Based on this information, the Chromeleon software calculates the liquid level. To monitor the liquid level in real time, based on real physical measurement, install the Vanquish Solvent Monitor. The solvent monitor is available as an option (see Optional Accessories).

For monitoring from the Chromeleon software, enter the following information:

  • Volume of solvent in the reservoir (at the beginning of a sequence)

  • Lower limit for the solvent in the reservoir, which is the minimum volume of liquid that must be available in the reservoir
    The Remain Time property for the solvent reports the time left until the liquid level is expected to reach the lower limit. The Chromeleon software calculates the time from the current flow rate and volume entered.

  • Warning limit when you want to be informed about the liquid level in the reservoir

When the liquid in the reservoir reaches the lower limit, the Chromeleon software stops the pump as specified in the Emergency Instrument Method if available or aborts the Queue and stops the pump flow.

Relevant for dual pump only

You can monitor the solvent consumption of the dual pump as a whole if the two pumps share the same set of solvent reservoirs. If the pumps are connected to different sets of solvent reservoirs, you can monitor the solvent consumption separately each pump (see Monitoring the Solvent Consumption).

Waste level

You can monitor the liquid level in the waste container when you have entered the required information. Based on this information, the Chromeleon software calculates the liquid level. To monitor the liquid level in real time, based on real physical measurement, install the Vanquish Solvent Monitor. The solvent monitor is available as an option (see Optional Accessories).

For monitoring from the Chromeleon software, enter the following information:

  • Volume of liquid in the waste container at the beginning of a sequence

  • Upper limit for the liquid level in the waste container
    The Remain Time property for the waste reports the time left until the liquid level is expected to reach the upper limit. The Chromeleon software calculates the time from the current flow rate and calculated current liquid level.

  • Warning limit when you want to be informed about the liquid level in the waste container

Relevant for dual pump only

You can monitor the liquid level in the waste container for the dual pump as a whole if the two pumps share the same container. If the waste liquid is guided to different waste containers, you can monitor the liquid level for each pump. For details, see Monitoring the Liquid Level in the Waste Container.

Other Parameters




The compression values of the pump head can provide valuable information for troubleshooting. For details, see Checking the Compression Values.


You can specify linear or non-linear (curved) gradient profiles.

  • Curve 5 (default setting) is linear. Changes in the composition of the delivered solvent over time are constant.

  • Curves 1 through 4 are convex upward. Convex curves cause rapid changes in solvent composition at the beginning of the gradient and slower changes at the end. Slope changes over time become extreme as curves go from 4 (least convex) to 1 (most convex).

  • Curves 6 through 9 are concave upward. Concave curves cause slower changes in solvent composition at the beginning of the gradient and rapid changes at the end. Slope changes over time become extreme as curves go from 6 (least concave) to 9 (most concave).

In addition, you can define step gradients directly in the gradient table (for example, step A and step B). Thus, more than 11 different options are available to change the gradient.


The degasser is enabled as a standard when the pump is shipped (Degasser = On). This setting is the preferred setting.

Leak detection

Leak detection is enabled as a standard when the device is shipped (Leak Sensor Mode = Enabled). This is the preferred setting.


Purge the pump in the following situations:

  • To remove air bubbles that might be trapped in the system

  • When changing to a different type of solvent

See Purging the Pump.

Seal washing

The seal wash system is enabled and cannot be disabled. As a standard, the pump performs a seal wash in the following situations:

  • Once per hour

  • Each time the pump is turned on

If required, you can start an additional seal wash cycle or stop a running cycle:

  • If the seal wash pump is in Idle mode, select Active to start a wash cycle.

  • If the seal wash pump is in Active mode, select Idle to stop a running wash cycle.

You can disable the drop counter functionality by setting Rear Seal Wash Monitoring to Disabled. Note that disabling drop detection will not disable the seal wash system. However, messages relating to the seal wash system (for example, when the system has run out of wash liquid) or piston seal leakage will no longer alert you in the user interface.

Synchronization of the injection time with the pump strokes

Relevant for quaternary pump and dual pump only

Synchronizing the injection time with the pump strokes enhances the retention time precision. For details, see Synchronizing the Injection Time with the Pump Strokes.