To flush the seal wash system, select one of the following alternatives:

  • Turn on the pump.

    Whenever the pump is turned on, the pump starts operation with a seal wash cycle.

  • Flush the seal wash system from the Chromeleon software.

  • Flush the seal wash system from hand.

    Select this alternative to flush the seal wash system when the pump is powered off.

Flushing the Seal Wash System from the Chromeleon software

To flush the seal wash system from the Chromeleon software, start a seal wash cycle by setting the seal wash pump to Active mode (SealWashPump = Active).

During the seal wash cycle, the seal wash system is automatically filled with the seal wash liquid. It will take 5 minutes for the liquid to travel through the entire flow path.

Flushing the Seal Wash System from Hand

To flush the seal wash system from hand, follow these steps:

  1. Disconnect the tubing from the seal wash detector.

Seal wash detector
Figure: Seal wash detector




Seal wash detector


Tubing connection port (port labeled in)

  1. Insert a syringe into the open end of the tubing.

  2. To allow the liquid to travel easily through the seal wash system, press down the lever of the seal wash pump and hold it in that position with one hand.

  3. Pull out the syringe plunger to draw seal wash liquid into the tubing.

  1. Release the lever of the seal wash pump when the liquid reaches the syringe.

  2. Remove the syringe and reconnect the tubing to the connection port on the seal wash detector.

    Mind the port labeling. To ensure correct functioning of the seal wash detector, the tubing needs to be connected to the port labeled in.