This section provides information about the status LED bar on the front side of the device, the STATUS LED on the inside keypad, and the pump block status LED.

The status LED bar on the front side of the device and the STATUS LED on the inside keypad provide information about the device status.


The LED bar colors provide the following information:


Dual pump only:

With a dual pump, the LED bar is a two-part bar, with the lights on the left referring to the left pump and the lights on the right referring to the right pump.



Off (dark)

The power to the device is turned off.


The doors of the device are open.

Yellow, flashing slowly

The power to the device is turned on, but the device is not connected in the chromatography data system.


The device is connected in the Chromeleon software, but the device is not equilibrated. The pump flow is off.

Green, flashing

A purge cycle is running.


The device is equilibrated, but no data acquisition is running. The pump flow is on.


An injection or sequence is running, including data acquisition.


A problem or error has occurred. For the related message, check the Instrument Audit Trail. For remedial action, see Troubleshooting.


The STATUS LED on the keypad inside the device provides the following information:



Off (dark)

The power to the device is turned off.


The device is functioning properly.


A problem or error has occurred. For the related message, check the Instrument Audit Trail. For remedial action, see Troubleshooting.

For information about the LEDs that are present next to a button on the keypad, see Keypad.

Pump Block Status LED

The status indicator LED is located inside the pump above the pump head (pump block LED). The LED indicates the operational status of the pump block.


Operational Status

Off (dark)

No flow


The pump head is delivering.

Green, flashing – during normal operation

In addition, the message "Compression limit reached" (code 4156) appears in the Instrument Audit Trail.

The compression value was 100% during each of the past three strokes. If the compression value is lower than 100% for several strokes afterward, the message "Compression back to normal"(code 4157) will appear in the Instrument Audit Trail.

For more information about the compression values, see Checking the Compression Values.

Green, flashing – during pump maintenance

The pistons are in the appropriate position for piston (seal) replacement.

Red, flashing

The pistons are not in the appropriate position for normal operation (for example, after piston (seal) replacement) or an error occurred during internal maintenance (see Internal Maintenance).

In both cases, an accompanying message appears in the Instrument Audit Trail when you try to start the flow, for example, "The pump drive is still in undock position; Please execute a dock command" (code 4127). Follow the remedial actions for the accompanying message in Messages.