To enable the communication between the system and an instrument LAN, including the chromatography data system computer and another device, such as a mass spectrometer, you need to integrate it into that instrument LAN. The Vanquish User Interface offers two different connectivity options:

  • Via a custom IP address

    Needed, for example, if a device within the instrument LAN has a custom IP address.

  • Via Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)


  • You have connected the system controller to the computer.

  • You have set up an instrument LAN on a computer with installed chromatography data system.

  • Custom IP address option only: You have obtained the IP address range and the netmask of the instrument LAN.

Follow these steps

  1. On the display, open the settings panel.

  2. Select the Connectivity box.

  3. Select one of the connectivity options.

  4. If you selected Custom:

  1. Enter the netmask of the instrument LAN.
  2. Enter a unique IP address of the system controller within your instrument LAN.
  1. Select Apply.