If the firmware of a system module detects an error, a message appears on the Vanquish User Interface and in the chromatography data system. The tables in this section list the most frequently observed messages for each system modules and provide troubleshooting assistance.

Each message consists of a code number and a text. The code number is the unique identifier for the problem while the wording may change. To narrow down the source of a problem, additional text may accompany a specific message, for example, in the chromatography data system.

If you cannot find the code you are looking for, check the message text. The two messages "Unexpected module behavior" and "Module malfunction detected" can be assigned to different codes.


If you are unable to resolve the problem following the instructions in this manual, or if you encounter a message not listed in the table, write down the code and wording of the message and contact us. For details, see the Contacting Us section at the beginning of this manual.