This section provides information on messages with code numbers 2000 through 2999. These messages are specific to the column compartment.

The table lists the most frequently observed messages for the column compartment.

Message and Code

Description and Remedial Action

Unexpected module behavior. Code xx

xx = two-digit to four-digit code number

When the message appears, write down the message code and turn off the module. Wait for 5 seconds and turn on the module again. If the message appears again, contact Technical Support.

Module malfunction detected. Code xx

xx = two-digit to four-digit code number

When the message appears, write down the message code. Turn off the module and contact Technical Support.

Code 2095 Wrong right valve pod installed.

Verify that the configured valve pod and the installed valve pod match.

Code 2096 Wrong left valve pod installed.

Verify that the configured valve pod and the installed valve pod match.

Code 2097 Right valve position error.

  1. Verify that the configured valve pod and the installed valve pod match.

  2. Verify that the valve pod is correctly installed.

  3. Start the catch valve function by pressing and holding the VALVE RIGHT button on the keypad.

Code 2098 Left valve position error.

  1. Verify that the configured valve pod and the installed valve pod match.

  2. Verify that the valve pod is correctly installed.

  3. Start the catch valve function by pressing and holding the VALVE LEFT button on the keypad.