This section provides information on messages with code numbers 4000 through 4999. These messages are specific to the pump.
Additional Source Identification
To narrow down the source of a problem, check the message in the chromatography data system for additional information:
Default Name in Data System | Description |
| The message relates to the entire pump module, including flowmeter (with system pressure sensor). |
| The message relates to the following:
| The message relates to the following:
| The message relates to the following:
| The message relates to the following:
Pump Messages
The table lists the most frequently observed messages for the pump.
Message and Code | Description and Remedial Action |
xx = two-digit to four-digit code number When the message appears, write down the message code and turn off the module. Wait for 5 seconds and turn on the module again. If the message appears again, contact Technical Support. |
xx = two-digit to four-digit code number When the message appears, write down the message code. Turn off the module and contact Technical Support. |
| Check the flow path for blockage. Run the script: D01 - Test System Back Pressure. |
| Check the following causes:
| A pressure of more than 5 MPa (50 bar) built up after a purge cycle has started.
| The pump is not ready because the self-test was not successful. Repeat the self-test. Run the script: B04 - System Self-Test. |
| Changes in pressure have occurred during the self-test. Wait until the system pressure is down or depressurize the system and repeat the self-test. Run the script: B04 - System Self-Test. |
| The pressure has not been down to zero during the self-test. Verify that the pressure sensor cables are properly connected. Wait until the system pressure is down or depressurize the system and repeat the self-test. Run the script: B04 - System Self-Test. If the message appears again, the system pressure sensor may be defective. Contact Technical Support. |
The pump is not ready because, for example, a self-test or recalibration procedure is running. Retry after 1 minute. If the message appears again, wait until the system pressure is down or depressurize the system and turn the pump off and on again. |
An alarm is present, for example, because leakage has been detected. You can restart the pump flow only when the alarm is no longer present. Mute the alarm by pressing the MUTE ALARM button on the pump keypad. Find and eliminate the source for the alarm as suggested for the accompanying message. |
| This message alerts you only when the drop counter functionality of the seal wash detector is enabled (standard setting).
| This message alerts you only when the drop counter functionality of the seal wash detector is enabled (standard setting). Test the pump for leakage. Run the script: E04 - Detailed Leak test (Pump). When the piston seals are leaky, replace the seals. See Replacing the Piston Seal. |
| This message alerts you only when the drop counter functionality of the seal wash detector is enabled (standard setting).
| The vacuum level monitoring function detected insufficient degasser vacuum. Update the firmware to version 2.41 or later. |
This message alerts you during pump maintenance (for example, when replacing the piston seals or pistons) when you try to start the pump while the pump head is not yet in the position for operation. Return the pump head into the position for operation: On the keypad, the LEDs next to the FLOW button indicate which pump head is in the position for maintenance (LED is flashing green). Verify that this pump head is selected (LED next to the SELECT button is green) and press the DOCK button. When the pump is in the position for operation, the LED next to the FLOW button stops flashing. |
You tried to run a self-test while the flow rate was not yet down to zero. Turn off the flow and repeat the command. |
Verify that the cable of the pressure sensor for which the message appears is properly plugged into the connection port. Restart the flow. If the message appears again, the pressure sensor may be defective:
| This message alerts you only if you are monitoring the solvent consumption. The message indicates for which solvent the reservoir is empty. Provide new solvent. Run the script: B01 - Change Liquids / Solvents. |
| The pump pressure was not down to zero during the self-test. Wait until the pressure is down and repeat the test. Run the script: B04 - System Self-Test. |
| Follow these steps: 1. Verify that the pressure sensor cables are properly connected. Reconnect the cables if necessary. 2. Check the flow path for blockage. Run the script: D01 - Test System Back Pressure. 3. Run a self-test. Run the script: B04 - System Self-Test. If the message persists, the system pressure sensor may be defective. Contact Technical Support. |
| The pump could not build up enough pressure during pressure sensor calibration. This may be caused by the following:
| 1. Inspect the flow path from the pump head to the flowmeter inlet for signs of blockage, especially the Viper ends. If you suspect blockage, replace the capillary. 2. Run a self-test. Run the script: B04 - System Self-Test. 3. If the message persists, perform pressure recalibration. Run the script: C05 - Adjust System Pressure Sensors. 4. If the message appears again, contact Technical Support. |
1. Connect the pressure sensor cable from the pump head to the Pressure connector. If the cable is connected, verify that it is properly seated. 2. If the problem persists, the pump head may be defective. Contact Technical Support or replace the pump head (see Replacing the Pump Head). |
| Verify that the cable of the pressure sensor for which the message appears is properly plugged into the connection port. Restart the flow. If the message appears again, the pressure sensor may be defective:
XX is the left pump head or right pump head The message appears when a pump head has been replaced or when the left and right pump heads have been interchanged, for example, accidentally during maintenance/service. The message is for informational purposes only. No action is required. |
The pump flow was stopped because of a problem with another module. Check the messages from other modules. |
Main board initialization has not been successful. 1. This may be a temporary error. Turn off the module. Wait for 5 seconds and turn on the module again. 2. If the message appears again, update the firmware. 3. If the message persists, the main board may be defective. Contact Technical Support. |
| Test the flow path for blockage. Run the script: D01 - Test System Back Pressure. |
| Repeat the self-test. Run the script: B04 - System Self-Test. |
| Repeat the self-test. Run the script: B04 - System Self-Test. |
| A compression phase had to be repeated as the expected pressure was not reached. This can be due to air in the system or because the inlet check valve needs cleaning. However, the pump delivers the correct flow as the following compression phase was successful. If the message is rare and not accompanied by other messages, for example code 4532 or code 4538, you can tolerate the message. Otherwise:
| XX is the value for the deviation. Make sure that you use the recommended seal wash liquid (see Filling the Seal Wash Reservoir) and run a self-test. Run the script: B04 - System Self-Test. |
The calibration data for the selected solvent is incomplete. For example, because the calibration procedure has been interrupted unexpectedly. Repeat the calibration for the selected solvent (see Adding Custom Solvents to the Calibration Table). |
Stop the flow and wait until the pressure has dropped. |
| Delete a solvent from the solvent calibration table to free up space. On the script panel, go to Solvent Calibration. Run the script: M34 - Delete Solvent Calibration Data. |
Check that the flowmeter is correctly inserted. |
The solvent you selected is not available in the solvent calibration table. Possible reasons are: The solvent was removed from the calibration table. The flowmeter was replaced, and a solvent (with the same name) has not been calibrated and added to the configuration of the new flowmeter. Select a solvent from the solvent calibration table or add the solvent to calibration table (see Adding Custom Solvents to the Calibration Table). |
The flow is not stable. 1. Wait until the system pressure is down to zero. 2. Purge the pump to remove residual air. 3. When the pump has been powered on for at least 6 hours, repeat autozero. |
The commands were executed in a wrong or unexpected order. Check the command script in your method for errors. |
A calibration attempt has been interrupted. Use the solvent calibration scripts to either complete the calibration or return the pump to the original capillary configuration as required by the application. |
The pump cannot deliver the requested flow rate at the resulting pressure. Adapt the application setup. For example, reduce the flow rate. See Dependency of Available Pump Pressure and Flow Rate. |
| One or more compression phases were unsuccessful. The pump could not deliver the correct flow. This can be due to air in the system or because the inlet check valve needs cleaning. The message appears together with message code 4512.
The message appears to inform you before an actual problem occurs. The message indicates that there may be a problem with the solvents, for example, algae growth. Consider replacing the flowmeter filter (see Replacing the Flowmeter Filter). Observe the recommendations in Use of Solvents and Additives. |
1. On the flowmeter outlet, remove the capillary to the autosampler and retry. 2. Depends as follows:
| Capillary connections or plugs on the pump heads or flowmeter may not be connected properly or are not tight. 1. Reconnect or retighten as necessary. 2. Repeat the calibration. |
| The pump cannot deliver the selected flow rate. The message may appear alone or together with message code 4512.
| The pump cannot reduce the flow rate to the nominal flow.