Purging means rinsing the system or system components for a certain time at a higher flow rate. Purging is required in various situations and for different reasons. The situation and reason determine which script is the best to use. The tables provide information for the most common situations. You start the scripts from the Vanquish User Interface. Follow the script instructions if applicable.

During Installation, Before Operation



Additional Parameter

When preparing the system for initial operation

A02 - Auto Start Up


To restart the system after long-term shut-down

A02 - Auto Start Up


During Operation



Additional Parameter

To replace a solvent reservoir or autosampler wash liquid reservoir when the liquid level in the reservoir is too low for the next analysis (same type of liquid)

B01 - Change Liquids / Solvents

Select the affected solvent or wash liquid and Refresh Only = On.

One or more solvent lines or autosampler wash liquid lines have been empty

B01 - Change Liquids / Solvents

Select the affected solvent or wash liquid and Refresh Only = Off.

To change to a different set of liquid (solvent or autosampler wash liquid), for example, when changing to a different analytical method

B01 - Change Liquids / Solvents

Select the affected solvent or wash liquid and Refresh Only = Off.

During Maintenance



Additional Parameter

Pump maintenance:

At the beginning of a maintenance procedure: To flush out harmful substances

At the end of a maintenance procedure: To remove air that might be trapped in the system due to the procedure

C02 - Purge Pump

What Should Be Purged = Entire Pump

Intensity = Standard

Autosampler maintenance:

To remove air that might be trapped in the system due to the procedure

C04 - Purge Sampler

What Should Be Purged = Entire Sampler

Intensity = Intense

During Troubleshooting



To remove air that might be trapped in the system, for example leading to pulsation issues during operation, high noise level, or non-reproducible analysis

Depends on the potential cause. See System Troubleshooting.