Available Power Buttons and Main Power Switches

The image shows the powering devices of the system.

Figure: Power buttons and main power switches




System power button


System Controller power button


Main power switches

System Power Button

If the main power switches of the system modules are on, you can use the system power button for turning on/off all system modules (except the system controller) simultaneously to facilitate the turn on/off control. Observe the following:




  • All system modules in the system that are connected to the system base via system interlink cables are turned on simultaneously.

  • You cannot turn on a system module with the system power button if the main power switch on a system module is off.


  • All system modules in the system that are connected to the system base via system interlink cables are turned off simultaneously.

  • Pressing the system power button will not be sufficient to turn off the power to the system modules completely. To turn off a system module completely, you have to turn it off with its main power switch. Turn off a system module with its main power switch, when instructed to do so, for example, before maintenance.

System Controller Power Button

The system controller power button is a push button and is completely independent of the system power button. If the system controller is turned on, the display is automatically turned on. After a power outage, the system controller restarts automatically.

To turn off the system controller and the display (if available), use the system controller power button and wait until the status LED (Light Emitting Diode) is off.