No peaks

Possible Cause

Remedial Action

Pre-heater used in nano or capillary LC applications

Remove the pre-heater (see Replacing the Passive Pre-Heater).

Wrong capillaries used between column and detector or between autosampler and column

Use the correct capillaries for your application (to change the workflow and the flow connections, run the script: A06 - Change Fluidics / Workflow or refer to the Flow Scheme).

Air bubbles in sample loop, needle, or metering device

Purge the autosampler.

Vial empty

Check the sample level in the vial. If the sample level is too low, replace the vial with a filled one.

Solvent in solvent reservoir does not match the solvent setting

Change the solvent in the solvent reservoir or change the solvent setting.

Peak drift

Possible Cause

Remedial Action

Temperature of column compartment not stable

  1. Check the temperature of the column compartment.

  2. Wait until the temperature has stabilized.

After changing the solvent type, the previous solvent has not been removed completely from the autosampler or system

  1. If the script (B01 - Change Liquids / Solvents) did not fully remove the previous solvent, check whether the correct parameter was set: Refresh Only = Off.

  2. Run the script again: B01 - Change Liquids / Solvents with the parameter: Refresh Only = Off.