Items required

As applicable:

  • Fresh solvent

  • Isopropanol

  • Ethanol

Observe the following guidelines

The following guidelines refer to conventional use of the Vanquish system as recommended in this manual, such as using fresh high-quality solvents (minimum UHPLC-grade or LC/MS-grade) that are replaced frequently:

  • Regularly flushing the pump with fresh solvent is usually sufficient.

  • If you use water, acetonitrile, or methanol for your chromatography, flushing the pump once a week is an appropriate interval.

  • Mobile phases containing salts, buffering agents and/or other additives are inherently prone to organic contamination and/or biodegradation. When using non-volatile buffers, observe the following:

    • Mobile phases must be filtered before use.

    • For continuous trouble-free operation, the system must be flushed with, for example, > 60 % isopropanol or ethanol as a weekly procedure.

  • Adapt the interval to the solvents in use.


With persistent contamination, for example, if ghost peaks appear reproducibly in your blank chromatogram without injecting a sample, consider a harsher cleaning procedure. See Flushing the Pump with Persistent Contamination Only.