
Damage of door


The maintenance procedures do not require that you remove the doors. If this should ever be required for a specific reason or procedure, follow the steps in this section.

Parts required

Replacement door


If the door to be replaced is located directly below the solvent rack, do the following:

  1. Remove all reservoirs from the solvent rack.

  2. Remove the sheet metal bracket that fixes the solvent rack to the autosampler, if applicable. For instructions, see Placing the Column Compartment in the System Stack.

If the display is installed next to the door to be replaced, consider loosening the fastening block of the display to push the display toward the system rear.

For information how to loosen the fastening block of the display, see Unmounting the Display.

Follow these steps


To avoid damage to the door hinges, be careful when performing the following sequence of steps and do not apply force.

  1. If the door is located directly below the solvent rack, lift the solvent rack slightly on the front edge.

  2. To remove a door, push the door upward while opening.

    Open the door to a position in which the two hinges on the housing are aligned in the grooves on the door. You can remove the door only when the hinges are in the grooves.

  3. Unhinging a door
    Figure: Unhinging a door




    Hinge on the housing


    Reception groove on the door

  4. Slightly tilt the door to the outside, away from the housing, and remove the door.

  5. To install the door, align the door with the hinges on the housing. Do not clamp tubing or capillaries between the door and the enclosure.

  6. Insert the hinges in the groove, by pushing up and slightly turning the door.

  7. Push the door downward to lock it in place.

    You can close the door only when it is properly installed.