The table lists the most frequently observed messages for the device and provides troubleshooting assistance.

Each message consists of a code number and a text. The code number is the unique identifier for the problem while the wording may change. Note the following:

  • To facilitate finding a message, the table lists the messages sorted by code.

  • If you cannot find the code you are looking for, check the message text. The two messages "Unexpected module behavior" and "Module malfunction detected" can be assigned to different codes. See the beginning of the table for more information.


If you are unable to resolve the problem following the instructions in this manual, or if you encounter a message not listed in the table, write down the code and wording of the message and contact us. For details, see the Contacting Us section at the beginning of this manual.

Message and Code

Description and Remedial Action

Unexpected module behavior. Code xx

xx = Two-digit to four-digit code number.

When the message appears, write down the message code and turn off the module. Wait for 5 seconds and turn on the module again.

Module malfunction detected. Code xx

xx = two-digit to four-digit code number

When the message appears, write down the message code. Turn off the module and contact Technical Support.

Code 26 X tag path short circuit detected.

(with X = 1 (right pre-heater) or 2 (left pre-heater))

  1. Unplug the pre-heater cable.

  2. If the message persists, contact Technical Support.

Code 36 Download failed.

The firmware download has not been successful. Repeat the download.

Code 37 Download firmware mismatch.

The firmware download has not been successful. Verify that the correct firmware file was selected. Repeat the download.

Code 52 Module software incomplete. Download firmware (again).

The firmware is incomplete, for example, because the communication between the chromatography data system and the module was interrupted during the firmware download. Repeat the download.

Code 84 Could not move X to its destination position.

Code 85 Could not move X to its destination position.

(with X = bottom valve or top valve)

The respective switching valve may be defective. Replace the switching valve, see Replacing the Column Switching Valve.

If the error message persists, contact Technical Support.

Code 86 Unexpected X behavior.

Code 87 Unexpected X behavior.

(with X = bottom valve or top valve)

The respective switching valve may be defective. Replace the switching valve, see Replacing the Column Switching Valve.

If the error message persists, contact Technical Support.

Code 89 Liquid leak sensor missing.

Contact Thermo Fisher Scientific Technical Support for assistance. Note that the module can be operated nevertheless, even if the leak sensor is defective or not present, if leak detection is disabled.

Code 90 Download firmware mismatch – invalid version.

You tried to download an incompatible firmware with an earlier version number than the firmware that is currently installed in the module. Downgrading the firmware may result in loss of functionality or malfunctioning of the module. If required, repeat the download with a firmware version later than the version currently installed in the module.

Code 91 Data changed during read.

  • This may be a temporary error. Turn off the module. Wait for 5 seconds and turn on the module again.

  • The firmware may be defective. Update the firmware.

Code 118 USB Buffer Overflow.

This is a software problem. The module produces data faster than the computer on which the chromatography data system is running reads the data.

1. In the chromatography data system, disconnect and reconnect the module.

2. If this does not solve the problem, update the firmware or the chromatography data system version.

3. If the problem persists: Also, third-party software on the computer, for example, virus scanners or poor computer performance can cause the problem. Contact the onsite IT department.

Code 120 System interlink request timed out.

Communication with the module failed. The module did not respond in time.

For the module for which the message appears:

1. Turn on the module if it is not yet turned on.

2. Check the system interlink connections to the module. Verify that all system interlink cables are connected at both ends.

3. If the message persists, replace the system interlink cables.

Code 126 Device lost system interlink connection.

A system interlink cable may be disconnected from the module or defective.

  1. Check the system interlink connections to the module. Verify that all system interlink cables are connected at both ends.

  2. If the message persists, replace the system interlink cables.

Code 128 System interlink data errors.

A system interlink cable may be disconnected from the module or defective.

  1. Check the system interlink connections to the module. Verify that all system interlink cables are connected at both ends.

  2. If the message persists, replace the system interlink cables.

Code 129 Device X not found on system interlink.

X = serial number

The module with the given serial number may be disconnected, turned off or a firmware update is running.

  1. Check the system interlink connections to the module.

  2. If the message persists, check the module operational status.

Code 131 System interlink bus not operable.

A system interlink cable may be disconnected from the module or defective.

1. Check the system interlink connections to the module. Verify that all system interlink cables are connected at both ends.

2. If the message persists, replace the system interlink cables.

Code 136 Lock request rejected – already locked by X.

X = lock holder ID, with USB address referring to the chromatography data system or system interlink address referring to the system controller or a module

The module is already locked by another software (system controller or chromatography data system).

Wait until the module is released from the locked state.

Code 137 Lock by X expired.

X = lock holder ID, with USB address referring to the chromatography data system or system interlink address referring to the system controller or a module

Inform Thermo Fisher Scientific about the occurrence. No further action required.

Code 145 Lock holder X lost.

X = lock holder ID, with USB address referring to the chromatography data system or system interlink address referring to the system controller or a module

The lock was released automatically since its holder disappeared from system interlink.

Check the system interlink connections to the module.

Code 152 Assignment or command rejected – device locked.

Module is not ready to accept command or property assignment since locked by another software (system controller or chromatography data system).

Wait until module is released by the current software (system controller or chromatography data system).

Code 2033 Column-ID X operation failed.

(with X = column ID tag A, B, C, or D)

First, verify that the column ID tag is installed properly. Second, reconnect the column ID tag. If the message persists, the column ID tag may be defective. Replace the column ID tag.

Code 2034 Column-ID X operation failed.

(with X = column ID tag A, B, C, or D)

First, format the file system of the column ID tag in Chromeleon. If the message persists, the column ID tag may be defective. Replace the column ID tag.

Code 2035 Column-ID X operation failed.

(with X = column ID tag A, B, C, or D)

First, verify that the column ID tag is installed properly. Second, reconnect the column ID tag. If the message persists, the column ID tag may be defective. Replace the column ID tag. If the error message persists, contact Technical Support.

Code 2048 X leak detected - eliminate within approx. xxx seconds.


(with X = liquid)

The leak sensor detected excessive liquid in the column chamber.

Eliminate the cause within the time indicated in the message. For details, see Resolving Liquid Leaks.

Code 2049 X leak detected.


(with X = liquid)

The leak sensor detected excessive liquid in the column chamber.

Eliminate the cause. For details, see Resolving Liquid Leaks.

Code 2070 Pre-heater X operation failed.

Code 2071 Pre-heater X operation failed.

Code 2072 Pre-heater X operation failed.

(with X = left or right pre-heater)

Follow these steps:

1. Verify that the active pre-heater is installed properly. Reconnect the active pre-heater if necessary.

2. If the message appears again, the active pre-heater may be defective. Replace the active pre-heater. See Replacing the Active Pre-Heater.

Code 2088 Module malfunction detected (X).

(with X = "Upper Compartment" or "Lower Compartment" or "Post Column Cooler" or "Main Power")

When the message appears, write down the message code and turn off the module. Disconnect all active pre-heaters and turn on the module again. If the column compartment does not report any errors after that, the disconnected pre-heaters are defective. Replace the active pre-heaters. See Replacing the Active Pre-Heater.

If the error persists, contact Technical Support.