The Ready property indicates whether the column compartment is ready for operation. When the column compartment is in the status NotReady, you cannot start the analysis. Keep in mind that the settings for Ready Temp Delta and Equilibration Time influence the time that the column compartment needs to enter the Ready state.

By default, the Chromeleon software pre-defines the Equilibration Time. If required, this setting can be adjusted.

Ready Temp Delta

Ready Temp Delta indicates for how many degrees the current temperature may be above or below the temperature setpoint. If the current temperature deviates from the temperature setpoint by more degrees than the value entered here, the column compartment enters the NotReady state and is not ready for operation.

Example: Temperature setpoint: 45 °C, Ready Temp Delta: 1 °C

The column compartment is ready for operation when the current temperature is between 44 °C and 46 °C for the Equilibration Time. If the current temperature is outside this range, the column compartment enters the NotReady state.

Equilibration Time

Indicates for how long the preferred temperature must be in the range specified by the temperature setpoint and the setting for Ready Temp Delta before the column compartment is ready for operation and the analysis can be started.

Example: Temperature setpoint: 45 °C, Ready Temp Delta: 1 °C, Equilibration Time: 0.5 min

The column compartment is ready for operation when the current temperature is between 44 °C and 46 °C and has remained in this range for 0.5 minutes.

Observe the following:

  • The smaller the value is for Ready Temp Delta and the higher the value is for Equilibration Time, the longer it takes until the column compartment is ready for operation and you can start the data acquisition and/or the analysis.

  • Environmental conditions, such as draft or air conditioning, may also extend the waiting period or even prevent the column compartment from entering the Ready state.

  • However, keep in mind that the better the system is equilibrated, the better the chromatographic results are.