The device includes the following main features:

  • Column thermostatting in a temperature range from +5 °C to 85 °C (VC-C10) or +5 °C to 120 °C (VH-C10)

  • Column cooling by a maximum of 18 °C from the ambient temperature, with the lower temperature limit being +5 °C

  • Support of still air and forced air thermostatting modes

  • Column chamber providing room for two columns, with pre-heater and pre-column as required by the application

    Maximum possible length of the entire assembly: 387 mm

  • Column identification for Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) compliant documentation of the column type and major column properties

  • Capillary guides located above and below the column chamber for routing the capillaries

  • As an option, the column compartment can also hold:

    • Column switching valves to quickly change between different columns

    • Passive pre-heater for thermostatting of the eluent before it enters the column

    • Active pre-heater with proper temperature control for warming up the eluent to a settable temperature before it enters the column

  • Post-column cooler (VH-C10 only)

    To cool down the eluate before it flows into the detector

For specifications, see Performance Specifications.