Pay attention to the following general residual hazards when working with the device:
Hazardous Substances
Solvents, mobile phases, samples, and reagents might contain toxic, carcinogenic, mutagenic, infectious, or otherwise harmful substances. The handling of these substances can pose health and safety risks.
Biohazardous material, for example microorganisms, cell cultures, tissues, body fluids, and other biological agents can transmit infectious diseases. To avoid infections with these agents:
Self-Ignition of Solvents
Solvents with a self-ignition temperature below 150 °C might ignite when in contact with a hot surface (for example, due to leakage in the chromatography system).
Hazardous Vapors
Mobile phases and samples might contain volatile or flammable solvents. The handling of these substances can pose health and safety risks.
Escape of Hazardous Substances from PEEK Capillaries
Some capillaries in the system are made of PEEK. Swelling or attack by acids can cause PEEK capillaries to start leaking or to burst. Certain chemicals, for example, trichlormethane (CHCl3), dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), or tetrahydrofuran (THF) can cause PEEK to swell. Concentrated acids, such as sulfuric acid and nitric acid, or a mixture of hexane, ethyl acetate, and methanol, can attack PEEK.
Allergic Reaction
Some capillaries in the system are made of MP35N™, a nickel/cobalt-based alloy. Individuals with sensitivity to nickel/cobalt may show an allergic reaction from skin contact.
Sparking due to Electrostatic Discharge
Liquid flowing through capillaries can generate static electricity. This effect is particularly present with insulating capillaries and non-conductive solvents (for example, pure acetonitrile). Discharge of electrostatic energy might lead to sparking, which could constitute a fire hazard.