These typographical conventions apply to the descriptions in this manual:
Data Input and Output
The following appears in bold type:
Input that you enter by the keyboard or that you select with the mouse
Buttons that you click on the screen
Commands that you enter by the keyboard
Names of, for example, dialog boxes, properties, and parameters
For brevity, long expressions and paths appear in the condensed form, for example: Click File > Save as.
References and Messages
References to additional documentation appear italicized.
Messages that appear on the screen are identified by quotation marks.
If not otherwise stated, the expressions left and right in this manual always refer to the viewpoint of a person that is facing the device from the front.
Particularly Important Words
Particularly important words in the main flow of text appear italicized.
Electronic Manual Version (PDF)
The electronic version (PDF) of the manual contains numerous links that you can click to go to other locations within the manual. These include:
Table of contents entries
Index entries
Cross-references (in blue text)