Observe the following guidelines to prevent build-up or accumulation of residue from the mobile phase, sample matrix and analytes within the detector between the analyses. This helps maintain consistent response, optimum performance and reduced detector downtime:
Periodically flush the detector with the detector gas flow being turned on. When using buffer solutions and other additives, it is recommended to flush the detector daily using compatible solvents that do not contain additives.
Use the solvent with the best solubility characteristics for the sample matrix and analyte(s) of the analytical method in question.
If flushing is done with a less polar solvent (for example, methanol instead of water) than used for your method, disconnect the detector from the system flow path first and flush the system to waste (for example, with 20 column volumes). Then reconnect the detector to the system flow path, turn on the gas flow and repeat the flushing.
Use an evaporation temperature setting of 35 °C when flushing the detector.
To continue with an analysis, prepare the detector for analysis following the guidelines in Preparing the Device for Operation.