The commands and parameters described in the table should be considered for simple routine operation of the device. You can usually access these parameters from the Chromeleon user interface.
If a parameter listed below is not available in the Chromeleon software, consider updating the firmware and Chromeleon version.
For more information, refer to Chromeleon Help and documents.
Signal channels
The signal channels are available for the detector in the Instrument Configuration Manager.
Parameters | Description |
Background current | Records and monitors the background current of the detector during data acquisition without autozero or filter constant applied. As a standard, the detector measures the current in pA. For further information, see Signal Channels. |
CAD_1 | The CAD_1 signal channel is available for data acquisition. As a standard, the detector measures the current in pA. |
Evaporation tube temperature | Records and monitors the actual temperature of the evaporation tube during data acquisition. The temperature is recorded in °C as a default. For further information, see Signal Channels. |
Gas regulator pressure | Records and monitors the nebulizer pressure during data acquisition. The default unit setting for the gas pressure corresponds to the Pressure Unit that is defined on the detector configuration pages in the Chromeleon software. For further information, see Signal Channels. |
Gas parameters
The default unit setting for the gas pressure corresponds to the Pressure Unit that is defined on the detector configuration pages in the Chromeleon software.
Parameters | Description |
Gas regulation mode | Sets a specific nebulizer gas pressure for the analysis, based on the gas pressure specified for the nebulizer from the nebulizer certificate. As a standard, the Analytical mode is set. For VH-D20 detector only: Two modes for regulating the nebulizer gas pressure in the detector are available: Analytical mode and MicroLC mode. For details on the gas regulation modes, see Gas Regulation Mode (VH-D20 Detector only). |
Gas regulator pressure nominal | Specifies the nebulizer gas pressure as specified on the certificate that was shipped with the nebulizer. Observe the notes in Setting the Nebulizer Gas Pressure and the Nebulizer Serial Number. |
Gas regulator pressure | Displays the actual pressure of the gas supplied to the nebulizer. After you have set the nebulizer gas pressure, monitor the GasRegPressure parameter until it reaches the setpoint. |
Gas state | Turns the detector gas flow On or Off. Observe the notes in Turning On/Off the Detector Gas Flow. |
Evaporation temperature parameters
Parameters | Description |
Evaporator temperature control | Temperature control for the evaporation tube is enabled as a standard when the detector is shipped. |
Evaporator temperature nominal | Specifies the setpoint for the evaporation temperature. As a standard, the Evaporator Temperature Nominal is set to 35 °C. For further information, see Evaporation Temperature. |
Evaporator temperature | Displays the actual temperature of the evaporation tube. The actual temperature depends on several factors, including mobile phase composition and temperature, pump flow rate, gas temperature, and ambient temperature. As a standard, the temperature unit is °C. |
Other parameters
Parameters | Description |
Autozero | Performs an automatic null balancing. The current detector signal is interpreted as 0 at the current range in use. |
Data collection rate | Defines the number of data points per second (Hz) that the Chromeleon software collects from the detector and stores as raw data. For further information, see Data Collection Rate and Filter Constant. |
Filter constant | Applies a filter constant to the output current to electronically reduce the baseline noise during the analysis. For further information, see Data Collection Rate and Filter Constant. |
Leak detection | Leak detection is enabled as a standard when the detector is shipped (Leak Sensor Mode = Enabled). This is the preferred setting. |
Peak width | Defines the width of a chromatographic peak at the half of the peak height. Specify a peak width for the narrowest expected peak in your chromatogram. As a standard, when you set the Peak Width, Chromeleon automatically calculates values for the Data Collection Rate and the Filter Constant. |
Power function | Sets by what factor a linearization is applied to the data output. As a standard, the Power Function is set to 1.00. For further information, see Power Function Value. |