This section describes the installation of the FocusJet nebulizer.


Sharp Tip of the Nebulizer

The capillary inside the nebulizer that protrudes from the nebulizer tip is sharp and may be fragile. Touching the nebulizer capillary can cause personal injury and damage to the capillary.

  • To avoid personal injury, always wear safety glasses when handling the nebulizer.
  • Do not touch the nebulizer tip.
  • Handle the nebulizer with care.


Sensitive Nebulizer

The nebulizer is highly sensitive to contamination and damage. Observe the following safety notes:

  • The nebulizer is highly sensitive to contamination. Even minute particles on the nebulizer can lead to contamination and poor detector performance. Always wear powder-free gloves when you install or remove the nebulizer.
  • The capillary inside the nebulizer may be fragile and subject to mechanical vibrations during transport. If the nebulizer was packaged separately, visually inspect the nebulizer surfaces and the nebulizer tip prior to installation.
  • Operating the nebulizer with a gas pressure other than the pressure specified for this nebulizer can cause unpredictable deviations in performance of the nebulizer and the detector. After installation of the nebulizer, set the nebulizer gas pressure to the pressure that is specified for your nebulizer. The nebulizer gas pressure is defined on the gas pressure certificate that is shipped with the nebulizer.

Parts and additional items required

  • Powder-free gloves

  • FocusJet nebulizer with dedicated nebulizer gas pressure certificate

  • Optional: Deionized water


  1. Wear powder-free gloves.

  2. Remove the packed nebulizer from behind the detector doors.

  3. Unpack the nebulizer carefully from the packaging. Locate the gas pressure certificate for the nebulizer.

    Keep the nebulizer packaging to have it available when transporting the nebulizer.

  4. Parts of the nebulizer
    Figure: Parts of the nebulizer




    Liquid flow inlet




    Sealing bushing with sealing ring


    Spray pipe


    Nebulizer capillary on the tip of the spray pipe

  5. Remove the protective tubing from the nebulizer spray pipe carefully. Do not to touch the nebulizer tip with the protective tubing, as it can damage the tip.

    Keep the protective tubing to have it available when transporting the nebulizer.

Nebulizer with protective tubing and plug on the flow inlet
Figure: Nebulizer with protective tubing and plug on the flow inlet

Follow these steps

  1. On the front of the detector, remove the dust seal plug from the opening for the nebulizer.


    Contaminations at the nebulizer opening

    • Store the dust seal plug to have it available when transporting the detector.
    • Store it under clean conditions, for example, in the bag the nebulizer was delivered in to prevent contaminations at the nebulizer opening.
  3. Dust seal plug installed in the nebulizer opening
    Figure: Dust seal plug installed in the nebulizer opening
  4. Insert the nebulizer in the opening in the front panel of the detector. Observe the following:

    • The nebulizer tip must point to the opening in the middle of the nebulizer opening. Avoid the nebulizer tip from touching the sides of the nebulizer opening, as this can damage the tip.

    • Mind the correct orientation of the nebulizer: The gripping sides of the nebulizer are on the top and bottom side of the handle. The protruding sides for attachment are on the left and right side of the handle. See the picture below.

  5. TIP

    To facilitate inserting the nebulizer in the nebulizer opening, moisten the sealing ring on the sealing bushing with deionized water.

  6. Correct orientation of the nebulizer for installation
    Figure: Correct orientation of the nebulizer for installation




    Center of the nebulizer opening


    Gripping sides on top and bottom handle side


    Protruding sides on left and right handle side

  7. Push the nebulizer into the opening until the spray pipe and sealing bushing are completely in the opening. The nebulizer handle must lie flush against the nebulizer opening.

  8. Completely inserting the nebulizer
    Figure: Completely inserting the nebulizer




    Opening for the nebulizer on the interior panel of the detector


    Spray pipe


    Sealing ring in the sealing bushing

  9. Turn the nebulizer by 90 degrees clockwise in the opening to lock the nebulizer. Check that the protruding sides on the nebulizer arrest behind the two locks of the opening and lie against the alignment pin.

  10. Locking the nebulizer in the detector
    Figure: Locking the nebulizer in the detector




    Locks on the nebulizer opening


    Alignment pin

  11. After the detector has been turned on: Set the nebulizer gas pressure that is specified for your nebulizer and enter the nebulizer serial number. See Setting the Nebulizer Gas Pressure and the Nebulizer Serial Number.