Hazardous Fumes

The exhaust gas of the detector may contain hazardous fumes that pose health and safety risks.

  • Avoid an accumulation of gas. The exhaust gas must always be removed by proper ventilation.
  • Make sure that the installation site is well ventilated. Do not vent directly into the laboratory.


A vacuum in the ventilation can cause a depressurization inside the detector. This can impair detector operation and lead to a decreased performance.

Avoid a vacuum or a negative pressure in the ventilation of the detector.

In addition to the operating conditions for ventilation stated in the Vanquish System Operating Manual, make sure that the location fulfils the following requirements.

  • Operate the detector nearby the gas supply and ventilation sources.

  • Ventilation must be at atmospheric pressure with no vacuum and no positive pressure applied.

  • Exhaust ventilation rate must be at least 4 L/min. per charged aerosol detector.

  • Install the detector in a well-ventilated laboratory. Exhaust gases (including carrier gas, vaporized eluents and solute micro particles) exit on the right side of the detector through the gas exhaust port. The exhaust gas may contain volatile organic compounds in low concentration. Make sure that the detector is properly vented. Direct the gas exhaust tubing to a fume hood or connect it to another ventilation device such as an industrial vent. Prevent a gas-tight connection and siphons between the gas exhaust port of the detector and the ventilation.