To optimize the performance of the device, consider the following general guidelines:
Monitor the usage of specific device components that are subject to wear and stress and schedule appropriate maintenance intervals (see Predictive Performance).
Consider the influences of the parameters on the detection. See Overview of Optimization Parameters.
Ensure that the operating conditions are suitable. This includes:
Stable environmental conditions, such as a stable temperature
No air drafts
No vibrations or mechanical shocks caused by external sources
Stable backpressure and correct waste line setup
Degas the solvent in the Vanquish pump.
For guidelines and recommendations on the use of mobile phases with the charged aerosol detector, see Mobile Phase Guidelines for the Detector.
Maintain the nitrogen or air source for your detector at regular intervals to ensure optimum performance. Observe the instructions in the User Documentation for the nitrogen generator.
Use a dedicated column for each specific analysis to avoid cross-contamination of the column.
Do not use a column that has been used with non-volatile mobile phases.
Columns that are unstable and/or have a tendency to release particles from the column bed (i.e. "column bleed") will produce noise in the detector. Avoid such columns.
When the mobile phase was stored over a period of time, high background current may be observed. Replace old mobile phase with freshly prepared mobile phase.
If you use the detector for the analysis of complex biological samples, proper sample preparation is especially important.
If you perform a gradient, it is recommended to perform blank injections with the desired method gradient profile prior to analysis. This "pre-conditioning" of the column improves the performance of both, the analytical column and the detector.