When operating the device, pay attention to the following safety guidelines:

Observe all warning messages and precautionary statements presented in Safety Precautions.


Explosion Hazard or Damage to the Detector

When using tetrahydrofuran (THF), the use of air as supplied gas may pose an explosion hazard. This can pose a safety and health risk and damage the detector.

Always use nitrogen with tetrahydrofuran or other highly combustible solvents.


Pay attention also to the following guidelines:

  • If there is evidence of leakage in the device, turn off the pump flow while leaving the gas flow on and remedy the situation immediately.
  • Pump flow without gas flow causes detector flooding.
    Verify that the detector gas flow is always turned on before you turn on the pump flow to the detector. Do not direct pump flow to the detector without gas flow being turned on.
  • Turn on the gas supply and detector gas flow only when the nebulizer is installed, the components in the gas flow path are properly connected, and the protective cover of the gas filter assembly is installed.
  • To start detector gas flow and pump flow: Turn on the detector gas flow first, wait at least 5 minutes and only then turn on the pump flow.
  • To stop pump flow and detector gas flow: Turn off the pump flow first, wait at least 5 minutes and only then turn off the detector gas flow. During the waiting period, the drain pump drains any remaining mobile phase to waste.
  • Exceeding the pump flow rate limit will damage the detector. Operate the detector only within the allowed pump flow rate range (see Performance Specifications).
  • If the overpressure relief valve is releasing gas as a result of an overpressure in the detector during operation, turn off the detector and the gas supply to the detector immediately. Remedy the situation as described in Resolving Gas Supply Overpressure.
  • Observe the requirements for gas supply and ventilation. See Ventilation Requirements and Gas Supply Requirements.
  • Contamination of the mobile phase can damage the detector. Avoid contamination of the mobile phase. See Mobile Phase Guidelines for the Detector.
  • Observe the specifications for operation. See Performance Specifications.