In addition to this operating manual, other documentation is available for reference.

Hardware Documentation

Additional hardware documentation includes the following:

  • Operating manuals for the other modules of the Vanquish system

  • Vanquish System Operating Manual

  • Instrument Installation Qualification Operating Instructions

Thermo Fisher Scientific provides up-to-date operating manuals as PDF (Portable Document Format) files that you can access from our customer manuals web site. To open and read the PDF files, Adobe™ Reader™ or Adobe™ Acrobat™ is required.

Go to the following web site:

Software Documentation

Additional software documentation includes the following:

  • Chromeleon™ Help and documents

    The Chromeleon Help provides extensive information and comprehensive reference material for all aspects of the software.

In addition, the following documentation is available (availability depends on the software version):

  • Installation Guide

    For basic information about device installation and configuration, refer to the Installation Guide.

  • Instrument Configuration Manager Help

    For specific information about a certain device, refer to the Instrument Configuration Manager Help. In Chromeleon 7, devices are called modules.

  • Quick Start Guide

    For information about the main elements of the user interface and step-by-step guidance through the most important workflows, refer to the Quick Start Guide.

  • Reference Card

    For a concise overview of the most important workflows, refer to the Reference Card.


The Chromeleon Help and documents are included in the software shipment.

Third-Party Documentation

Refer also to the user documentation provided by the manufacturers of third-party components and materials, for example, Safety Data Sheets (SDSs).

Third-party documentation includes the user documentation for the gas supply, as applicable:

  • User documentation for the nitrogen generator

  • User documentation for the air compressor