The following table contains known defects in the software, categorized by software section, with a brief abstract and information related to each defect’s severity and risk. The Item ID is the internal number assigned to each issue. Product management assesses risk, which can differ significantly from the reported severity.
Software section | Severity | Abstract | Risk | Item ID |
General | High | The processing workflow fails when the study is located on the desktop (not recommended). | Low | 749786 |
Ardia | Medium | PD server crashed after network loss. | Low | 363879 |
CHIMERYS | Medium | The queued job was started on the CHIMERYS server, but the analysis failed due to the PC restarting automatically during Windows updates. | Low | 387738 |
Heat map | Medium | Out-of-memory in heat map. | Low | 400330 |
General | Medium | Protein Score is calculated wrong when using the Precursor Detector node. | Low | 408138 |
XlinkX | Medium | Crosslinking: The localization probability is 0 for all identifications, which is not correct. | Low | 416032 |
XlinkX | Medium | Crosslinking: XL cannot perform the analysis with the DSSO raw file acquired by an Astral instrument. | Med | 418219 |
Ardia | Medium | There is inconsistency between the processing statistics and the job queue. | Low | 424170 |
XlinkX | Medium | Crosslinking: XlinkX yields no results for TMT Nterm static modification. | Med | 492727 |
Daemon | Medium | Creating the same daemon user with two separate Discoverer clients leads to a broken database. | Low | 612673 |
Percolator | Medium | Update Percolator to the newest version on GitHub. | Low | 628945 |
TMT | Medium | When saving a new TMT method with a correction table and there is a correction factor greater than 100% (such as, 110%), there should be a warning or stop to create this method. | Low | 646306 |
Security | Medium | Insecure local database (not encrypted). | Low | 647791 |
CHIMERYS | Medium | PD allows CHIMERYS results to be combined with different quan values, and the DIA Precursor table could have two columns: Area and Intensity. | Low | 713421 |
CHIMERYS | Medium | Both CHIMERYS and CHIMERYS on Ardia failed analysis with the semi-Trypsin setting. Cloud-based CHIMERYS has detailed hint information, and CHIMERYS on Ardia should have the same hint information. | Low | 754229 |
Export | Medium | Exported Astral .raw files to .mgf files contain no precursor mass. | Med | 758266 |
Spectral libraries | Low | It is not possible to directly upload a large database downloaded from NCBI with the .gz format without unzipping the database. | Low | 249039 |
MS/MS spectra | Low | The x-axis scale for the spectrum matching was larger than the fragments ion coverage area under both reference spectrum checked and unchecked. | Low | 266072 |
Study | Low | The input files table is jumping up and down when hovering. | Low | 401489 |
Study | Low | Importing a study from a .csv file does not work if remote files are included. | Low | 403802 |
General | Low | .pdResult tooltip shows the wrong information. | Low | 408301 |
CHIMERYS | Low | Validate if the settings the inclusion file was created with match the actual search to be run. | Low | 409072 |
General | Low | Advanced Parameters button is cut off (cosmetic). | Low | 409831 |
Mascot Communication Tester | Low | Context Help should work in the Mascot Communication tester the same as it works in the CHIMERYS Communication tester. | Low | 411174 |
Export | Low | SpectrumTitle not used in mzML file export. | Low | 420602 |
General | Low | Tooltips for full precision numerical values are not shown for all columns. | Low | 456313 |
General | Low | CWF fails when the study is on a remote external SSD drive. | Low | 559004 |
Modification editor | Low | Modification Editor does not allow the definition of modification of the same name with a different target. | Low | 585101 |
General | Low | PCM Groups q-Value filter setting: 1E-5 shows as 0.00. | Low | 593947 |
General | Low | Open Study and New Study options on the Start page are available even when menu pendant is disabled. | Low | 595006 |
Job Queue | Low | Automated processing workflows appear in the wrong order in the job queue. | Low | 639904 |
General | Low | Apply button remains disabled when layout changes. | Low | 729034 |
FASTA | Low | RM: Errors occur when removing a FASTA file that is currently updating. | Low | 743864 |
Display Settings node | Low | When the parameter is not valid in the node, a yellow warning exclamation sign should display. | Low | 747773 |
General | Low | In some cases, the number of parallelized jobs seem unexpected. | Low | 749783 |
General | Low | The hints are missing from the Execute state column in the analysis results table. | Low | 752141 |
CHIMERYS | Low | The CHIMERYS Error Code column and the CHIMERYS Error column are missing in the table of input files for a CHY failed case. | Low | 752518 |
XlinkX | Low | XL: The Protein Descriptions B filter is not correct on the table of Crosslinks. | Low | 752543 |
MS Amanda | Low | MSAmanda results are not stable when repeating the same analysis. | Med | 756268 |
General | Low | Reprocessing the CWF or creating a new CWF fails when the MSF file is opened. | Low | 762767 |
FASTA | Low | RM: Cannot download FASTA file with and without subtaxonomies with the same TaxId. | Low | 763521 |