The following table describes the commands in the shortcut menu of the PCA Plots view.

Commands in the shortcut menu of the PCA Plots view

Command or Option


Show Position Tooltips

Displays the following information:

  • number: Group number
  • channel_number: Channel number
  • Replicate number - [channel_number]:
  • MW number [kDa]: Molecular weight of the protein, in kilodaltons
  • Sample_type: Indicates the sample type, which can be one of the following:
    - Sample: A specimen from a larger biological entity
    - Control: A sample typically used as a reference sample in a quantification experiment
  • Fnumber: Replicate number:
  • number, number:

Zoom Out

Reduces the view.

Undo All Zoom/Pan

Returns the PCA plot to the default view.


Copies the data in the plot view.


Copies the data in the plot view as an image.


Copies the data in the plot view as text.


Exports the data in the plot view to a file.

Image As

Exports the data in the plot view as an image in an Enhanced Metafile (EMF) file.

Points As

Exports the data in the plot view as text in a TXT file.

Show Legend

Displays the meaning of the colors of groups of proteins or peptide groups.