The following table describes the parameters in the Chromatogram Traces view.

Chromatogram Traces view parameters

Command or Option


RT [min] - alignment_type (x-axis)

Displays the retention time, in minutes.

Intensity [counts] (y-axis)

Displays the intensity, in counts.

Group By

Creates sample groups according to the following variables:

  • Charge: By different charge states of the same peptide.
  • User-defined_study_factor: By study factors.
  • File: By different files in the run.
  • Usage: By whether or not the item was used in the peptide quantification.

Filter By

Filters the data according to the following variables:

  • Charge: By the charge states of the same peptide.
  • User-defined_study_factor:Usage: By study factors.
  • File: By the different files in the run.
  • Usage: By whether or not the item was used in the peptide quantification.