The following table lists the parameters in the Histogram view dialog box.

Parameters in the Histogram view of the Report Item Distribution chart

Command or option


Options pane

Loads the Option pane settings that you saved with the Save command.

Saves the settings that you selected in the Options pane.


Resets the option settings in the Options pane to their defaults when you installed the application.

Chart Options

Chart Type

Determines how the application plots the data.

  • (Default) Column: As columns extending from bottom to top.
  • Bar: As bars extending from left to right.
  • Line: As a line. Reported and excluded items are not stacked as they are in column and bar types.
  • StepLine: As a line drawn in a series of 90-degree angles.

Show Cumulative

Determines whether to display a cumulative histogram, for comparing distribution curves. For these charts, the application calculates the column height as the height of the current column plus the sum of all previous columns. The rightmost column height is therefore the total count or 100%, depending on the y axis settings.

  • (Default) True: Displays a cumulative histogram.
  • False: Displays a non-cumulative histogram.

Horizontal Grid Lines

Determines whether the histogram displays horizontal grid lines and specifies the style of these lines.

  • (Default) None: No horizontal grid lines on the histogram.
  • Solid: Solid horizontal grid lines on the histogram.
  • Dotted: Dotted horizontal grid lines on the histogram.

Vertical Grid Lines

Determines whether the histogram displays vertical grid lines and specifies the style of these lines.

  • (Default) None: No vertical grid lines on the histogram.
  • Solid: Solid vertical grid lines on the histogram.
  • Dotted: Dotted vertical grid lines on the histogram.

Column Options

Show Column Amount

Determines whether the amount, or count of items, is displayed in the chart.

  • True: Displays the amount or count of items in the chart.
  • (Default) False: Does not the display the amount or count of items in the chart.

Show Percentages

Determines whether percentage values are displayed above the columns or to the right of the bars.

  • True: Displays them above the columns or to the right of the bars.
  • (Default) False: Does not display them above the columns or to the right of the bars.

Column Display

Specifies the appearance of the columns or bars.

  • (Default) Flat: Displays them as flat rectangles.
  • Cylinder: Displays them as cylinders.
  • Embross: Displays them as three-dimensional rectangles.
  • LightToDark: Displays them as shaded rectangles.

Column Width

Specifies the relative width of the columns as a fraction between 0 and 1.

Default: 0.8

Column Label Font

Specifies the font of the column labels that appear on top of the bars in the histogram. These labels are visible if you set the Show Column Amount parameter to True. The Column Label parameter opens the Font dialog box. See also Font dialog box. in the Proteome Discoverer Help.

Default: 8-point Arial

Axis Options

X-Axis Number Format

Specifies the notation of the numbers used for the x axis.

  • (Default) Decimal: Uses decimal notation.
  • Scientific: Uses scientific notation.

X-Axis Title

Specifies the label for the x axis.

Default: The category selected from the Data Source list.

Y Axis Type

Specifies the axis type (scale) of the x axis.

  • (Default) Linear: Plots the data on a linear scale.
  • Log: Plots the data on a logarithmic scale.
  • Percent: Plots the data as a percentage of the number of items.

Y-Axis Title

Specifies the label for the y axis.

Default: Count

Reduce Number of Axis Labels

Determines whether the application increases readability by reducing the maximum number of axis labels to 30. If the chart includes more than 30 values, it displays only every second or every third label.

  • (Default) True: Reduces the maximum number of axis labels to 30.
  • False: Does not reduce the maximum number of axis labels to 30.

Axis Title Font

Specifies the font used to denote the labels of the x and y axes. It opens the Font dialog box.

Default: 12-point Arial

Select the arrow to the left of the Axis Scale Font option to display aspects of the label font that you can change:

  • Name: Specifies the label font; default: Arial
  • Size: Specifies the size of the label font; default: 12
  • Unit: Specifies the unit for measuring the size of the label font; default: Point
  • Bold: Specifies the weight of the label font.
    - True: Displays labels in bold font.
    - (Default) False: Displays labels in normal font.
  • GdiCharSet: Specifies a byte value that indicates the GDI character set to use with the selected font; default: 1
  • GdiVerticalFont: Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the selected font is derived from a GDI vertical font.
    - True: The selected font is derived from a GDI vertical font.
    - (Default) False: The selected font is not derived from a GDI vertical font.
  • Italic: Specifies whether to italicize the selected font.
    - True: Italicizes the selected font.
    - (Default) False: Does not italicize the selected font.
  • Strikeout: Specifies whether to display the selected font shown with strikeout lines through it.
    - True: Displays the selected font with strikeout lines through it.
    - (Default) False: Does not display the selected font with strikeout lines through it.
  • Underline: Specifies whether to underline the selected font.
    - True: Underlines the selected font.
    - (Default) False: Does not underline the selected font.

Axis Scale Font

Specifies the font used to denote the scale of the x and y axes. It opens the Font dialog box.

Default: 10-point Arial

Select the arrow to the left of the Axis Scale Font option to display aspects of the label font that you can change:

  • Name: Specifies the label font; default: Arial
  • Size: Specifies the size of the label font; default: 12
  • Unit: Specifies the unit for measuring the size of the label font; default: Point
  • Bold: Specifies the weight of the label font.
    - True: Displays labels in bold font.
    - (Default) False: Displays labels in normal font.
  • GdiCharSet: Specifies a byte value that indicates the GDI character set to use with the selected font; default: 1
  • GdiVerticalFont: Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the selected font is derived from a GDI vertical font.
    - True: The selected font is derived from a GDI vertical font.
    - (Default) False: The selected font is not derived from a GDI vertical font.
  • Italic: Specifies whether to italicize the selected font.
    - True: Italicizes the selected font.
    - (Default) False: Does not italicize the selected font.
  • Strikeout: Specifies whether to display the selected font shown with strikeout lines through it.
    - True: Displays the selected font with strikeout lines through it.
    - (Default) False: Does not display the selected font with strikeout lines through it.
  • Underline: Specifies whether to underline the selected font.
    - True: Underlines the selected font.
    - (Default) False: Does not underline the selected font.

Binning Options

Binning Method

Specifies the number of data groups used for display or the width of a single data group. The settings of this parameter are useful to adjust the appearance of the histogram to show the optimal representation of the data. For whole number values, the minimum width of a data group is 1. With whole data, the maximum number of data groups might differ from the specified value, because the group width must be a whole number, and the total width is given as the range between the minimum and the maximum value. For example, if you use a fixed number of columns and cannot divide the data range by the number of columns without residue, you cannot plot a histogram. Therefore, the application adjusts the number of columns to approximate the specified number and to meet the criterion that the quotient of the data range and number of columns be a whole number.

  • (Default) Auto: Groups the data by estimating the number of columns needed to display the number of data items.
  • FixedWidth: Groups the data according to the Width value.
  • FixedNumber: Groups the data according to the Number of Categories value.

Number of Bins

Specifies the number of categories used to group the data.

Default: 20

NOTE For discrete numbers, the actual group number might be different.

Bin Width

Specifies the width of a single category used to group the data.

Default: 1

NOTE For discrete numbers, the actual group number might be different.

Use Full Series Value Range

Determines the range of data values that the application uses to compile the histogram.

  • (Default) True: Uses all data for the histogram.
  • False: Uses only the data between the values specified by the Minimum Value option and the Maximum Value option.

Minimum Value

Specifies the minimum value of the data displayed range. When you use this parameter and the Maximum Value parameter, set Use Full Data Range to False. Use these two parameters when you want to show only a subrange of the data in a histogram.

Default: 0

Maximum Value

Specifies the maximum value of the displayed data range. When you use this option and the Minimum Value option, set the Use Full Data Range parameter to False.

Default: 183710534.292

Legend Options

Show Legend

Determines whether a legend appears and where it appears.

  • (Default) None: Does not display a legend.
  • Top: Displays a legend at the top of the histogram.
  • Left: Displays a legend to the left of the histogram.
  • Bottom: Displays a legend at the bottom of the histogram.
  • Right: Displays a legend to the right of the histogram.

Legend Font

Specifies the font of the legend that appears at the bottom of the histogram. It opens the Font dialog box.

Default: 8-point Arial

Series Options

Show Only Checked Items

Determines whether the chart is compiled from data in all result rows or only data in result rows marked by check marks.

  • True: Compiles the chart only from data in result rows marked by check marks.
  • (Default) False: Compiles the chart from data in all result rows.

Show Decoy Items

Determines whether to display decoy data as a separate series. The decoy series contains the data from the decoy database search. The decoy data is not shown in the results. You might want to see how the filtered-out items are distributed without regard to single values to determine if the filter settings are right or if it is necessary to adjust them.

If decoy data is available for the selected data item, the application displays it as a separate column next to the target data in the color specified by Decoy Series Color. If decoy data is not available, the legend notes this defect.

  • True: Displays decoy data as a separate series.
  • (Default) False: Does not display decoy data as a separate series.

Show Excluded Items

Determines whether to display data filtered out by the Peptide and Protein Filter node in the consensus workflow.

  • True: Displays data filtered out in the results report.
  • (Default) False: Does not display data filtered out in the results report.

Target Series Color

Specifies the color of the target series. The target series contains the data from the identified PSMs, peptide groups, proteins, and protein groups.

Default: Firebrick

Decoy Series Color

Specifies the color of the decoy series.

Default: Black

Excluded Target Series Color

Specifies the color of the excluded target series. The excluded target series is the data from identified items that the Peptide and Protein Filter node excluded in the consensus workflow. You might want to see how the filtered-out items are distributed without regard to single values to see if the filter settings are right or need adjusting.

Default: Salmon

Excluded Decoy Series Color

Specifies the color of excluded decoy data.

Default: Silver