
  1. Set up and run a protein annotation workflow that includes the Protein Annotation node (see Adding Protein Annotation to a Workflow).
  2. This node retrieves UniProt database information, including PTMs, from the Protein Annotations Server and saves it in Proteome Discoverer results files.
  3. Open the result file, select the protein of interest.
  4. Open the Protein Identification Details view, see Open the Protein Identification Details view.
  5. Select the Annotate PTMs Reported in Uniprot checkbox.
  6. All lines containing the MOD_RES or CARBOHYD keyword are displayed as PTMs in the sequence.
  7. When annotation information is available, the modification appears as a single-letter abbreviation in a small gray box beneath the amino acids of the protein in the sequence table.
  8. Information about the PTMs found in the UniProt database appear under the UniProt PTMs category in the area to the left of the sequence table. In addition, the likelihood of a PTM occurring on an amino acid appears under the PTM Site Probabilities heading in this same area. See the Sequence Page for more information.
  9. (Optional) To view a protein's modification information, select the ProteinCard tab.