On the Protein Identification Details view, you can display a specific protein's PTM.


  1. In the Protein Identification Details view, select the Coverage tab.
  2. Select the Modification List tab.
  3. The Modification List page displays all identified modifications in the sequence view. For more information, see Modification List page.
  4. For information on the columns in this page, see Parameters on the Coverage page of the Protein Identification Details view.
  5. In the Number of Amino Acids Before and After Modification box, specify the length of the sequence motif before and after the site of the PTM.
  6. To show only PTMs, select the Show Only PTMs checkbox.
  7. This option displays only the PTMs on the Sequence and Modification List pages, so it helps you focus on biologically relevant modifications. It excludes all modifications classified as artifacts, chemical derivatives, isotopic labels, and synthetic peptide protection groups from the display.
  8. To display filtered-out PSMs, select the Include PSMs That Are Filtered Out checkbox.
  9. This option filters out PSMs that have been found but were filtered out by the display filters.