The following table describes the Export Instrument_name Mass List dialog box parameters.

Export Instrument_name Mass List dialog box parameters



Destination Folder

Specifies the path and name of the mass list to transfer the result items to.

Items To Be Exported

Specifies which result items are to be transferred to the mass list:

  • From MS/MS Spectrum Info: Exports the precursor masses of all the spectra listed on the MS/MS Spectrum Info page of the result file.
  • From PSMs: Exports the masses of all PSMs listed on the PSMs page of the result file.
  • From Peptide Groups: Exports the masses of all PSMs of the peptide groups listed on the Peptide Groups page of the result file.
  • From Proteins: Exports the masses of all PSMs of the proteins listed on the Proteins page of the result file.
  • Checked Items Only: Exports only the items that you selected.


Customize the format of the mass list.

Retention Time Window Width (min)

Specifies the width of the retention-time window, in minutes. You can have only n entries in the mass list per retention time window. Specify n with the Max Concurrent Entries parameter in the LTQ Orbitrap Mass List dialog box.

To Left (min) box

Specifies the lower retention time limit, in minutes, that an item must have to be included in the mass list.

To Right (min) box

Specifies the upper retention time limit, in minutes, that an item must have to be included in the mass list.

Export Uncharged Mass Values

Determines whether the masses selected in the Items To Be Exported area are to be exported with their uncharged masses.

Export m/z Values

Determines whether the masses selected in the Items To Be Exported area are to be exported with their detected m/z values.

Mass Precision (decimals)

Specifies the number of decimals for each mass that appears in the mass list.

Max Concurrent Entries

Specifies the maximum number of entries per given retention time window. The width of the window is specified by the retention-time window-width parameter.

Include A+1 and A+2 Masses

Determines whether the application inserts mass entries for the A+1 and A+2 peak of the mass entry to prevent these ions from being detected by the device. This option ensures that not only the monoisotopic peak of an ion is excluded but also the first and second 13C peaks in the isotope pattern.