
  1. Open your search results in the result file.
  2. See Organizing results.
  3. Select File > Export > To Text (Tab Delimited).
  4. The Export to Text (Tab Delimited) dialog box opens.
  5. Export to Text (Tab Delimited) dialog box
    Export to Text (Tab Delimited) dialog box
  6. By the Path box, select the Browse icon.
  7. In the Save as dialog box, locate the folder where you want to save the file.
  8. (Optional) If you do not want a file name based on the study name, enter a file name.
  9. Select Save.
  10. In the Export to Text dialog box, do one of the following:
  11. To export entire pages, select the pages to export.
  12. To export only certain data from the pages:
    - Select the pages.
    - On the appropriate pages of the result file, select the checkbox to the left of each item that you want to export.
    - In the Items To Be Exported area of the Export to Text (Tab Delimited) dialog box, select the Checked Items Only checkbox.
  13. For more information, see Check items on the pages of a result file.
  14. To export only the items that were excluded in the report processing, that is, the items filtered by the Peptide And Protein Filter node settings, do the following:
    - Select the pages.
    - In the Items To Be Exported area of the Export to Text (Tab Delimited) dialog box, select the Excluded Items Only checkbox.
  15. For more information on the node settings, see Peptide and Protein Filter node.
  16. To export a separate table that links the items in each table to other tables (if they exist), select Item Connections.
  17. To export items to R, the R Project for Statistical Computing, select Generate R-Friendly Headers.
  18. If you do not select the Generate R-Friendly Headers option and export data, R replaces the special characters in the headers of the columns on the result report page with dots. If you select this option, R replaces the special characters with more appropriate characters.
  19. Select Export, or to cancel this operation, select Close.
  20. NOTE

    You can open the text file in any text editor or drag it to an open Excel application.