Consensus Features page columns



# PSMs

Displays the number of PSMs identified for the consensus feature.

# Full (Per Sample)

Displays the number of samples where a full (non-single) feature is assigned.

# Single (Per Sample)

Displays the number of samples in which only a single peak feature is assigned.


Displays the abundances of the files.

Abundances Counts

Displays the number of abundances used to calculate the file abundances.

Abundances Origin

Displays the origin of the abundance values of the samples.

Avg. Apex RT [min]

Displays the apex retention time averaged over all features in the consensus.

Avg. m/z [Da[

Displays the mass-to-charge ratio averaged over all the features in the consensus, in daltons.


Displays the charge state of the peptide.


Indicates whether the item is selected.

Left RT [min]

Displays the leftmost retention time found among all features in the consensus.

Mass Match Tolerance [ppm]

Displays the mass tolerance used to combine the features in the consensus.

Max. # Isotopes

Displays the maximum number of isotopic peaks found among the features in the consensus.

max DApexRT

Displays the maximum difference in the apex retention time between the features in the consensus.

max Dm/z [Da]

Displays the maximum delta mass between the features in the consensus.

MH+ [Da]

Displays the mass at single charge for the peptide.

Precursor Quan Result ID

Displays a unique identifier for the precursor quantification value.

Quan Info

Displays the status of validity of this quantification result for quantification. The possible values are:

(For precursor ion quantification)

  • No Quan Values: Indicates that no valid features are associated with a consensus feature.
  • Has Missing Values: Indicates that not all expected labeling states for a consensus feature group are available.
  • Rejected by Method: Indicates that the peptide was not used in the quantification.
  • Shared: Indicates that multiple peptide groups are associated with a consensus feature.

There are no consensus features for reporter ion quantification.

Quan Info Details

Displays the reason for rejection when the status in the Quan Info column is Rejected by Method. The possible reasons are:

  • Unknown Quan Channel: No channel could be assigned.
  • Unknown Quan Result: No quantification result identification could be assigned.

Right RT [min]

Displays the rightmost retention time found among all features in the consensus.