You can fix any column to the leftmost position in the results report and fix it in that position, even when you scroll to the right through the rest of the columns.
- Right-click the table or the column header and select Enable Column Fixing.
- A pin appears in the column headers of the results report.
- Select the pin next to the header of the column that you want to fix to the far left of the report.
- The column moves into the leftmost position and remains visible, even when you scroll to the right through the rest of the columns.
- (Optional) Pin a second column.
- The pinned column moves to the leftmost position to the right of the previously pinned columns.
- (Optional) Change the order of the pinned columns by dragging them to their new locations.
- When you enable column fixing, you can also drag unpinned columns to the pinned columns region to pin them.
- To return a fixed column to its former position, do one of the following:
- Right-click and select Disable Column Fixing.
- The pins at the column headers disappear, but the columns remain at their fixed locations.
- Select the pin to unpin a pinned column.
- The unpinned column appears at the right side of other fixed columns.