The Minora Feature Detector node detects chromatographic peaks and features according to the specified quantification approach and writes the results to the LCMS peak table. The node links the LC/MS peaks to the PSMs from a given data file.
The Minora Feature Detector node is required in the processing workflow of precursor ion quantification. For precursor ion processing, the node also links the different isotopic forms at this step.
The following table describes the parameters for the Minora Feature Detector node.
Parameters | Description |
Min. Trace Length | Specifies the minimum number of non-zero points that a chromatographic trace must have to be accepted as a valid chromatographic trace. The application discards a chromatographic trace that has fewer points. Range: 1–no maximum; default: 5 |
S/N Threshold | Specifies the signal-to-noise value that peaks must meet to be included in the results. Range: 1.0–no maximum; default: 1.0 |
Max. ΔRT of Isotope Pattern Multiplets [min] | Specifies the maximum retention time difference, in minutes, of the A0 peaks in the isotope patterns of the different multiplexed quantification channels. Increase this value if you expect the differently labeled peptides that correspond to the different quantification channels to elute with a larger retention-time difference. Range: 0.05–5; default: 0.2 |
PSM Confidence at Least | Specifies the confidence level of the PSMs. The application does not use PSMs with a low confidence level in component verification.